wplemon / gridd

Flexible grid-based WordPress theme
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Adjusting Posted on meta data to Date #187

Closed paaljoachim closed 4 years ago

paaljoachim commented 4 years ago

I am once again comparing: https://religionskritikk.no/nettmagasin/de-usynlige-krista-gudefodersken-kirkemodrene-og-gud-moder/

Just below the title this is seen. Dato 29. april 2020 Dato = Date

Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 18 06 47

To the dev site using dev version of Gridd: Posted on 29.april 2020 by redaktor

Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 18 07 22

How would I change the Posted on 29.april 2020 by redaktor used in the Gridd theme to Dato 29. april 2020 ?

aristath commented 4 years ago

Hmmm right now I suppose the easiest method would be in a child theme, overriding the template-parts/part-post-date-author.php file. Or of course by tweaking the translation, that's always an option too

paaljoachim commented 4 years ago

Ahh tweaking the translation is a good idea. I am wondering if I should just close this issue. Then just leave it up to Full Site Editing later on.