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Promotions of video workshops released 2021/10 #6

Open nalininsbs opened 2 years ago

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Link to information shared on Marketing Team Slack at global meeting, 2021/10/27 https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1635344638041300

Video workshops published on Learn WordPress, October 2021

1) Managing Spam on Your Website https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/managing-spam-on-your-website/

2) Best Practices for Capturing Images https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/best-practices-for-capturing-images/

3) Customer Taglines https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/customizer-taglines/

4) How to Create a Post or Page with the WordPress Block Editor https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/how-to-create-a-post-or-page-with-the-wordpress-block-editor/

5) Managing Settings: Writing https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/managing-settings-writing/

6) How to Submit a Workshop https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/how-to-submit-a-workshop/

7) Using the Block Widget Editor https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/using-the-block-widget-editor/

8) Managing Settings: Reading https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/managing-settings-reading/

9) How to Submit a Lesson Plan https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/how-to-create-a-lesson-plan/

Please also use the numbering above when adding comments on this issue relating to one of the workshops.

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Video 2 @azhiya for https://learn.wordpress.org/workshop/best-practices-for-capturing-images/ Adding a summary of the discussion in preparation for marketing this video following this week's training and marketing meetings (WP nalininonstopnewsuk , webcommsat , meher) so far added to the document. More async contributions coming). Thank you.

This may come up mistakenly up in searches for general photography tips.

azhiya commented 2 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to review this. I was hoping to discuss this at our team meeting today but not enough time. We will definitely add it for further discussion at the next meeting and hopefully at the Documentation Sprint discussion being hosted by Automattic.

Will videos/ pages say which version of Mac OS the video is using? This is an increasingly common practice in training videos in general, and can be useful for context and help some users find appropriate videos too.

Excellent point and it makes sense for us to do this. I'll check if we can add it to our current taxonomy listing.

Can this be clarified for context in the text eg adding the words 'for screenshots'

I don't see why not

Is it too late to update the web link (slug) to reflect the context?

I'll find out

Generally would avoid 'best practice' and stick to 'tips', 'ideas', 'good practice' for these kind of workshops unless they are a in-depth researched 'best practice'. In this case, the guide is for Mac OS only and this may need to be clarified in the text. It is good there are external links to using it in other main operating systems, but they are just links at the end. Is the plan for these kind of videos only to use one operating system or all to be on Mac OS, or will they in the longer-term show variations at the end of the video perhaps in Windows and Linux.

We will advise contributors to use 'tips', etc. It completely skipped my mind that we should be incorporating this. We would definitely want to have more than one OS represented and I think having a tag that identifies this would be good.

Will videos be subtitled? Or will the transcript have screen descriptions added? Currently the presenter refers to what appears in the screen, but there is no information in the transcript to understand this.

We want all the videos to be subtitled. We need a workflow for this - to be covered during Documentation Sprint.

Can we please try to avoid references to 'here' where appropriate for accessibility in future items. Replacing it with, for example, In this screen. Also to abbreviations that do not work well for screenreaders, often for people with vision difficulties, can be difficult to read depending on particular fonts at the user's end, and can be harder for translation. We have previously shared a list with training and community. Eg "I'll, "You'll"

We'll add that to the list.

We are working with the Accessibility team but no one has looked at the videos yet. We do plan to document this so that we are consistent and following the guidelines.

Hope that helps for now. I've also asked the team to comment.

hlashbrooke commented 2 years ago

Will videos/ pages say which version of Mac OS the video is using? This is an increasingly common practice in training videos in general, and can be useful for context and help some users find appropriate videos too.

The Mac OS version has been added to the text below the video. This will probably be the only video that uses OS features like this, so I don't anticipate that being an issue in the future, but the same can be done for any more videos that need it.

Can this be clarified for context in the text eg adding the words 'for screenshots'

That's fine - it will affect the URL slug, which can easily be updated but would have a potentially negative effect on the workshop's SEO. That's not a huge problem at this stage though.

Generally would avoid 'best practice' and stick to 'tips', 'ideas', 'good practice' for these kind of workshops unless they are a in-depth researched 'best practice'. In this case, the guide is for Mac OS only and this may need to be clarified in the text. It is good there are external links to using it in other main operating systems, but they are just links at the end. Is the plan for these kind of videos only to use one operating system or all to be on Mac OS, or will they in the longer-term show variations at the end of the video perhaps in Windows and Linux.

Fair points - this can be taken into consideration in the future.

Will videos be subtitled? Or will the transcript have screen descriptions added? Currently the presenter refers to what appears in the screen, but there is no information in the transcript to understand this.

All videos on Learn WordPress are subtitled already and no videos will go live until they are subtitled and have full transcripts. The process doc for showing how to do this is here: https://learn.wordpress.org/meta/handbook/workshops/workshop-captions-and-transcripts/

Can we please try to avoid references to 'here' where appropriate for accessibility in future items. Replacing it with, for example, In this screen.

That's fair. For this workshop, descriptive text has been added to the transcript to clarify these items where needed.

Are the Accessibility Team involved in creating any videos which would link well for cross-promotion with this?

I'm not sure what this would look like, but yes - anyone (including the Accessibility team) are welcome to submit videos. I would love to see that!