wpmetabox / meta-box

The best plugin for WordPress custom fields and custom meta boxes
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WP's preview functionality broken by this plugin as of WP v6.4 #1546

Closed jacobph closed 7 months ago

jacobph commented 7 months ago

Issue Overview

As long as any metaboxes are defined for a given post type, posts of that type can't be previewed from the Gutenberg editor. A new tab opens, and you'll be redirected to /wp-admin/undefined.

Disabling the plugin, or just removing any add_filter('rwmb_meta_boxes'... calls restores WP preview to a working state.

A similar issue has been raised on the official metabox support forums as well. Note that I'm experience this bug on ALL posts, not just those with custom post types. https://support.metabox.io/topic/impossible-to-preview-posts/

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Enable plugin
  2. define any metabox
  3. try to preview a post of the type that metabox is defin
  4. get redirected to /wp-admin/undefined

This happens in chrome, ff, and safari. I assume it is browser agnostic.

rilwis commented 7 months ago

Hi @jacobph ,

Thanks for your feedback. We're investigating into this issue and narrowing it scope. We find that the validation module causes this bug and working on that. We'll update soon.

rilwis commented 7 months ago

Hi @jacobph ,

We've fixed this bug in 955e6a0 and will update the plugin soon. We're working on 2 small PRs which probably takes 2 days to complete. After that we'll update the plugin.

Thanks for your feedback.