wpmetabox / meta-box

The best plugin for WordPress custom fields and custom meta boxes
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wysiwyg not saving paragraphs... #23

Closed jezthomp closed 12 years ago

jezthomp commented 12 years ago

A wysiwyg within a meta box although saying the text is in a p tag, its not actually once its printed front end.

Bold tags work, as do others but the initial P tag does not.

Kind of making having the wysiwyg there a bit pointless?

Anyone else have this issue or just me?

franz-josef-kaiser commented 12 years ago

Afaik, no issue. I guess you simply haven't attached the proper filter. Just use

echo apply_filter( 'the_content', get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), etc. ) );

rilwis commented 12 years ago

Hi @jezthomp , I've just tested the <p> tag and don't see the problems.

Here's my content in the textarea box:

I'm a WP developer and a freelancer from Vietnam. <b>This is strong</b> <i>Cool</i><p>This is a paragraph</p><p>Another paragraph</p>

And I just display it using:

<?php echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_bio', true ); ?>

franz-josef-kaiser commented 12 years ago

Guess we can close that as localized/invalid.

rilwis commented 12 years ago

OK, I close the issue now. @jezthomp if you still have this problem, please reopen the issue.

dwcouch commented 9 years ago

I'm seeing this too - If I add

to paragraphs while in [text] then save - the html comes through on the front end.

However when I re-open, the editor is still in [text] but the html has been converted to html hex. <p> Viewing it in visual of course now shows my html of course.

It's as if [text] saves html, but when re-opened it converts any html to the respective HTML Entity Names. So saving it again just makes a mess.

rilwis commented 9 years ago


I've tested again with wysiwyg field type and don't see the problem (same as comments above). Here is how I input text (after save post, I see same result):


And how it looks in the frontend:


dwcouch commented 9 years ago

The visual editor view: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 17 59 - visual editor

The Text Editor view: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 18 21 - text-editor

Front end and html: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 19 29 - front-end and html

Edits via text to add p tags and a comment: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 23 01 - add p tags via text

This is what it looks like after saving: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 23 48 - saved p tags via text

This is how it renders: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 25 18 - front-end and html

The visual editor now looks like html: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 25 35 - visual editor

If I make new edits to the text editor like this and save; screenshot 2015-03-22 23 28 12 - text editor

It shows up on the front end like this: screenshot 2015-03-22 23 28 41 - front-end and html 2nd save

Oddly enough a quick workaround is to copy the html from the WYSIWYG editor and paste it into the Text editor and then save.

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh < notifications@github.com> wrote:


I've tested again with wysiwyg field type and don't see the problem (same as comments above). Here is how I input text (after save post, I see same result):


And how it looks in the frontend:


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/rilwis/meta-box/issues/23#issuecomment-84761774.

rilwis commented 9 years ago

Can you upload images again? Looks like Github doesn't import images from email.

dwcouch commented 9 years ago

I edited the previous message. Sorry about that.

dwcouch commented 9 years ago

I found a stack-exchange post with a similar issue: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/94338/custom-editor-field-displaying-html-in-visual-editor

rilwis commented 9 years ago

Can you show me the code to register meta boxes?

dwcouch commented 9 years ago
 * Registering meta sections for taxonomies
 * All the definitions of meta sections are listed below with comments, please read them carefully.
 * Note that each validation method of the Validation Class MUST return value.
 * You also should read the changelog to know what has been changed

/********************* BEGIN DEFINITION OF META SECTIONS ***********************/
$prefix = 'badge_'; // doesn't seem to be globally supported.
global $badge_meta_sections;
$badge_meta_sections = array();

// first meta section
$badge_meta_sections[] = array(
    'title' => '',          // section title
    'taxonomies' => array('sr_expertise', 'sr_service'),            // list of taxonomies. Default is array('category', 'post_tag'). Optional
    'id' => 'first_section',                    // ID of each section, will be the option name
    'fields' => array(                          // list of meta fields

        // TEXT AREA
            'name' => 'Extended Description',
            'desc' => '<span class="description">Extended description.</span>',
            'id' => 'badge_verbose',
            'type' => 'wysiwyg',
            'std' => ''

        // RADIO BUTTONS
            'name'    => 'Select a hover color',
            'id'      => "badge_hover_color1",
            'type'    => 'radio',
            // Array of 'value' => 'Label' pairs for radio options.
            // Note: the 'value' is stored in meta field, not the 'Label'
            'options' => array(
                    '#1d2e5b' => '<span class="sr_Water     ">Water         </span><br>',
                    '#634379' => '<span class="purple       ">Purple        </span><br>',
                    '#445b6a' => '<span class="sr_Sea       ">Sea           </span><br>',
                    '#7895a4' => '<span class="sr_Wind      ">Wind          </span><br>',
                    '#5A6527' => '<span class="green        ">Green         </span><br>',
                    '#818154' => '<span class="sr_Moss      ">Moss          </span><br>',                   
                    '#8b6b29' => '<span class="sr_Nut_Brown">Nut Brown      </span><br>',
                    '#ba8747' => '<span class="sr_Grain     ">Grain         </span><br>',
                    '#FCC53F' => '<span class="yellow       ">Yellow        </span><br>',
                    '#e28025' => '<span class="sr_Golden    ">Golden        </span><br>',
                    '#ad1015' => '<span class="sr_Fire      ">Fire          </span><br>',
                    '#90352d' => '<span class="sr_Brick     ">Brick         </span><br>',
                    '#632d00' => '<span class="sr_Earth     ">Earth         </span><br>',
                    '#473f38' => '<span class="sr_Warm_Gray ">Warm Gray     </span><br>',
                    '#000000' => '<span class="sr_Black     ">Black         </span><br>'

 * Register meta boxes
 * @return void
function YOUR_PREFIX_register_taxonomy_meta_boxes()
    // Make sure there's no errors when the plugin is deactivated or during upgrade
    if ( !class_exists( 'RW_Taxonomy_Meta' ) )

    global $badge_meta_sections;
    foreach ( $badge_meta_sections as $meta_section )
        new RW_Taxonomy_Meta( $meta_section );
// Hook to 'admin_init' to make sure the class is loaded before
// (in case using the class in another plugin)
add_action( 'admin_init', 'YOUR_PREFIX_register_taxonomy_meta_boxes' );

/********************* END DEFINITION OF META SECTIONS ***********************/

/********************* BEGIN VALIDATION ***********************/

 * Validation class
 * Define ALL validation methods inside this class
 * Use the names of these methods in the definition of meta boxes (key 'validate_func' of each field)
class RW_Taxonomy_Meta_Validate {
    function check_name($text) {
        if ($text == 'Anh Tran') {
            return 'He is Rilwis';
        return $text;

/********************* END VALIDATION ***********************/
rilwis commented 9 years ago

Oh, this is another plugin Taxonomy Meta. I will fix it later in this repo.

dwcouch commented 9 years ago

Oh geez. Sorry Tran. I forgot these were separate. I've got both installed inside a custom theme.

Shall I repost on the TM repo?