wppconnect-team / WPP4Delphi

WPP4Delphi is an open-source project with the aim of exporting functions from WhatsApp Web for Delphi, which can be used to support the creation of any interaction.
Apache License 2.0
187 stars 62 forks source link

erro ao baixar o arquivo js.abr #12

Closed fraurino closed 1 year ago

fraurino commented 1 year ago

realizar os ajustes abaixo para download automático.

👉🏾 uTWPPConnect.Classes.pas

✔️ constructor TUrlIndy.Create;

de: SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1_1];
para: SLOptions.SSLVersions :=[sslvTLSv1, sslvTLSv1_1, sslvTLSv1_2];

✔️ function TUrlIndy.GetUrl(const Purl: String): Boolean;

de: DownLoadInternetFile(TInjectJS_JSUrlPadrao, 'js.abr');
para: Get(Purl, FReturnUrl);  
marcelo386 commented 1 year ago

Acabei de Subir o Ajuste na Unit uTWPPConnect.Classes.pas