wppconnect-team / WPP4Delphi

WPP4Delphi is an open-source project with the aim of exporting functions from WhatsApp Web for Delphi, which can be used to support the creation of any interaction.
Apache License 2.0
187 stars 62 forks source link

EAccessViolation 00000024 | TWPPConnect1GetUnReadMessages na linha if Assigned(AMessage.ListResponse.singleSelectReply) #14

Closed fraurino closed 1 year ago

fraurino commented 1 year ago

ao debugar na nova versão, ocorre o erro abaixo na leitura das mensagens

GExperts Debugger Exception Notification

Project WPPConnectDemo.exe raised exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 00A3A6FF. Read of address 00000024'.

comentando essa funcionando normalmente;

ambiente de desevolvimento

Delphi: CE 10.4;
Versão CEF: 101;
Binários CEF: 101;

erro ocorre na linha abaixo no modo debug

👉🏽 procedure TfrDemo.TWPPConnect1GetUnReadMessages(const Chats: TChatList);

            🔴 if Assigned(AMessage.ListResponse.singleSelectReply) then
              selectedRowId := AMessage.ListResponse.singleSelectReply.selectedRowId;
              if selectedRowId <> '' then
                frameMensagensRecebidas1.memo_unReadMessage.Lines.Add(PChar('selectedRowId: ' + selectedRowId));
          except on E: Exception do