wppconnect-team / WPP4Delphi

WPP4Delphi is an open-source project with the aim of exporting functions from WhatsApp Web for Delphi, which can be used to support the creation of any interaction.
Apache License 2.0
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Bug: TWPPConnect.IsConnected always return False #65

Closed kayaliabd closed 5 months ago

kayaliabd commented 6 months ago

IsConnected property is always return false even if component connected to WhatsApp

marcelo386 commented 5 months ago

use the same as the code below

if not frDemo.TWPPConnect1.auth then exit;


will return in the component event like this example that is available in the demo version

procedure TfrDemo.TWPPConnect1GetIsOnline(Response: TIsOnline); begin if Response.IsOnline then begin frameMensagensRecebidas1.memo_unReadMessage.Lines.Add('Online');

frameLogin1.lblStatus.Caption := 'Online';
frameLogin1.lblStatus.Font.Color := $0000AE11;
frameLogin1.SpeedButton3.Enabled := True;
frameLogin1.whatsOn.Visible := True;
frameLogin1.whatsOff.Visible := False;
StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'Online';
frameLogin1.imgQrCode.Picture := nil;

end else begin frameMensagensRecebidas1.memo_unReadMessage.Lines.Add('Offline');

frameLogin1.lblStatus.Caption := 'Offline';
frameLogin1.lblStatus.Font.Color := $002894FF;
frameLogin1.lblStatus.Font.Color := clGrayText;
frameLogin1.whatsOff.Visible := True;
frameLogin1.whatsOn.Visible := False;
frameLogin1.SpeedButton3.Enabled := True;
StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'Offline';

end; end;