wppconnect-team / WPP4Delphi

WPP4Delphi is an open-source project with the aim of exporting functions from WhatsApp Web for Delphi, which can be used to support the creation of any interaction.
Apache License 2.0
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TWPPConnect.Config.ReceiveAttachmentAuto #66

Closed kayaliabd closed 5 months ago

kayaliabd commented 6 months ago

I think you deploy this property to allow auto saving of all media files attached in messages
and save those files on the path of TWPPConnect.Config.ReceiveAttachmentPath

I try it but it didn't work as expected!

marcelo386 commented 5 months ago
          // Treating the type of file received and downloading it to the folder \temp
          case AnsiIndexStr(UpperCase(AMessage.&type), ['PTT', 'IMAGE', 'VIDEO', 'AUDIO', 'DOCUMENT', 'STICKER', 'PTV']) of
            0: Extensao_Documento := 'mp3';
            1: Extensao_Documento := 'jpg';
            2: Extensao_Documento := 'mp4';
            3: Extensao_Documento := 'mp3';
              Extensao_Documento := ExtractFileExt(AMessage.filename);
              Extensao_Documento := Copy(Extensao_Documento,2,length(Extensao_Documento));
            5: Extensao_Documento := 'jpg'; //'webp';
            6: Extensao_Documento := 'mp4'; //Instant Vídeo
          //Novo 05/11/2022
          Automato_Path := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));

          NomeArq_Whats := WPPConnectDecrypt.download(AMessage.deprecatedMms3Url,
                          AMessage.mediaKey, Extensao_Documento, AChat.id, Automato_Path + 'Temp\');