wppconnect-team / WPP4Delphi

WPP4Delphi is an open-source project with the aim of exporting functions from WhatsApp Web for Delphi, which can be used to support the creation of any interaction.
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update cache, userdata and log folders RunTime #74

Open kayaliabd opened 3 months ago

kayaliabd commented 3 months ago

I am working on multi user application and I need to change cache, userdata and log folders in run time but that is not allowed after in run time

kayaliabd commented 3 months ago

`procedure TCEFConfig.SetPathCache(const Value: String); begin

     if AnsiLowerCase(FPathCache) = AnsiLowerCase(Value) Then

     if not TestaOk(FPathCache, Value) Then     Exit;
           FPathCache            := Value;


TestaOK return = False

marcelo386 commented 2 months ago

PNewValue must be equal to POldValue in this case it returns false

function TCEFConfig.TestaOk(POldValue, PNewValue: String):Boolean; var LDir : String; begin if AnsiLowerCase(POldValue) = AnsiLowerCase(PNewValue) Then Begin Result := False; Exit; End;

LDir := ExtractFilePath(PNewValue); if Self.status = asInitialized then raise Exception.Create(MSG_ConfigCEF_ExceptNotFoundPATH); if not DirectoryExists(LDir) then //raise Exception.Create(Format(MSG_ExceptPath, [LDir])); //Aurino 11/07/2022 deletefile(pwidechar(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + NomeArquivoIni)) ; Result := true; end;

kayaliabd commented 2 months ago

yea, I try to disable this line but that did not work, I could not update cash folder path!!!