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Whatsapp PUSH notifications #1010

Open vitos88 opened 1 year ago

vitos88 commented 1 year ago

Ubuntu 20.04 Node 16 WhatsApp same error was on previous versions) iOS 16.0 (the same error was on previous versions) Wppconnect 1.7.3

after connecting whatsapp to wppconnect push notifications stop coming to the phone, as soon as I disconnect from wppconnect, everything starts working (notifications come) config.json { "secretKey": "THISISMYSECURETOKEN", "host": "http://localhost", "port": "21465", "deviceName": "WppConnect", "poweredBy": "WPPConnect-Server", "startAllSession": true, "tokenStoreType": "file", "maxListeners": 15, "customUserDataDir": "./userDataDir/", "webhook": { "url": null, "autoDownload": true, "uploadS3": false, "readMessage": false, "allUnreadOnStart": false, "listenAcks": true, "onPresenceChanged": true, "onParticipantsChanged": true, "onReactionMessage": true }, "archive": { "enable": false, "waitTime": 10, "daysToArchive": 45 }, "log": { "level": "error", "logger": ["console", "file"] }, "createOptions": { "browserArgs": [ "--disable-web-security", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-web-security", "--aggressive-cache-discard", "--disable-cache", "--disable-application-cache", "--disable-offline-load-stale-cache", "--disk-cache-size=0", "--disable-background-networking", "--disable-default-apps", "--disable-extensions", "--disable-sync", "--disable-translate", "--hide-scrollbars", "--metrics-recording-only", "--mute-audio", "--no-first-run", "--safebrowsing-disable-auto-update", "--ignore-certificate-errors", "--ignore-ssl-errors", "--ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list" ] }, "mapper": { "enable": false, "prefix": "tagone-" }, "db": { "mongodbDatabase": "tokens", "mongodbCollection": "", "mongodbUser": "", "mongodbPassword": "", "mongodbHost": "", "mongoIsRemote": true, "mongoURLRemote": "", "mongodbPort": 27017, "redisHost": "localhost", "redisPort": 6379, "redisPassword": "", "redisDb": 0, "redisPrefix": "docker" } }

icleitoncosta commented 1 year ago

This is not an error, Whatsapp itself works that way.

vitos88 commented 1 year ago

This is not an error, Whatsapp itself works that way.

and this is not how not to fix it?

icleitoncosta commented 1 year ago

This is not an error, Whatsapp itself works that way.

and this is not how not to fix it?

When you connect to whatsapp web through a window it automatically stops sending notifications to the phone. As far as I know it's not possible.

vitos88 commented 1 year ago

This is not an error, Whatsapp itself works that way.

and this is not how not to fix it?

When you connect to whatsapp web through a window it automatically stops sending notifications to the phone. As far as I know it's not possible.

As far as I know, you can disable this feature using google chrome settings/advanced/alerts. But how to do it for wppconnet in Ubuntu?

renat473 commented 1 year ago

identificado que o comportamento normal da própria whatsapp e não da aplicação wppconnect.

jabar-dana commented 12 months ago

--disable-notifications add this to "browserArgs" list & try to restart yarn

jabar-dana commented 12 months ago

Check this link out for various Chrome related Commands CHROME CLI

Saifallak commented 3 months ago

can we do something like this? https://github.com/code-chat-br/whatsapp-api/commit/bee0a5c4ed2ed7835e0031f30ee9429e9cb8ce17 @renat473 @icleitoncosta

icleitoncosta commented 3 months ago

can we do something like this?


@renat473 @icleitoncosta

You can do it, but you stop receiving important notifications.

icleitoncosta commented 3 months ago

can we do something like this?


@renat473 @icleitoncosta

I reopened the issue to include the function of setting the online status as false here on the server, using the setOnlinePresence from the library, so that you can do that.

Saifallak commented 3 months ago

can we do something like this? code-chat-br/whatsapp-api@bee0a5c @renat473 @icleitoncosta

You can do it, but you stop receiving important notifications.

Important notification like what?