What is the recommended best practice for pulling in customizer styles with WP_Rig 2.0?
In WP_Rig 1.x, I built a function which referenced the theme mods and output the user determined global typography, color settings into the global styles file using wp_add_inline_style.
In Wp_Rig 2.0, I've tried to do the same within inc/Styles/Component.php, but it does not work. When I used this technique in WP_Rig 1.x it worked well. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I didn't see anything in the documentation regarding the best practice to output css back into the wp-rig-global-css styles from the customizer.
What is the recommended best practice for pulling in customizer styles with WP_Rig 2.0?
In WP_Rig 1.x, I built a function which referenced the theme mods and output the user determined global typography, color settings into the global styles file using wp_add_inline_style.
In Wp_Rig 2.0, I've tried to do the same within inc/Styles/Component.php, but it does not work. When I used this technique in WP_Rig 1.x it worked well. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I didn't see anything in the documentation regarding the best practice to output css back into the wp-rig-global-css styles from the customizer.
WP add inline styles from manual
` public function action_enqueue_styles() { // Enqueue Google Fonts. $google_fonts_url = $this->get_google_fonts_url(); if ( ! empty( $google_fonts_url ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-rig-fonts', $google_fonts_url, [], null ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.MissingVersion }