wpscanteam / wpscan

WPScan WordPress security scanner. Written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites. Contact us via contact@wpscan.com
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Lots of false positive of 500 http status code #1525

Closed NitroCao closed 4 years ago

NitroCao commented 4 years ago

wpscan treat the responses of 500 status code as vulnerable themes

scan command: docker run --rm -v /tmp/test_wpscan:/wpscan/.wpscan/db wpscanteam/wpscan --force --ignore-main-redirect --disable-tls-checks -f json -e vt,vp --api-token mytoken --themes-threshold 500 --url https://mysite.org scan result:

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  "vuln_api": {
    "plan": "free",
    "requests_done_during_scan": 342,
    "requests_remaining": 0
  "stop_time": 1595922828,
  "elapsed": 1012,
  "requests_done": 1665,
  "cached_requests": 1257,
  "data_sent": 359288,
  "data_sent_humanised": "350.867 KB",
  "data_received": 2096619,
  "data_received_humanised": "1.999 MB",
  "used_memory": 249016320,
  "used_memory_humanised": "237.48 MB"

I tested some of the urls, the responses are indeed 500 status code.

Your environment

erwanlr commented 4 years ago

See the --exclude-content-based option to exclude those.

Also, --themes-threshold (with a default of 20) is there to warn you when there are too themes detected which are likely false positive and suggest to use the option mentioned above. Setting it to 500 defeat its purpose.

NitroCao commented 4 years ago

The point is the site doesn't use these themes. In this case, I know which themes need be excluded cause I increased the value of --themes-threshold, but what if other sites which are first to be scanned? How do I know which themes need to be excluded? Or can --exclude-content-based exclude the responses of specific status codes?

erwanlr commented 4 years ago
--exclude-content-based REGEXP_OR_STRING  Exclude all responses matching the Regexp (case insensitive) during parts of the enumeration.
                                          Both the headers and body are checked. Regexp delimiters are not required.

Both the headers and body are checked

So yes, responses with a specific status code can be excluded.