wpscanteam / wpscan

WPScan WordPress security scanner. Written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites. Contact us via contact@wpscan.com
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Public API for the vuln db. #41

Closed gbrindisi closed 9 years ago

gbrindisi commented 11 years ago

Yesterday was pointed out on twitter that would be cool to have a way to check from wpscan if a given plugin was vulnerable or not (without scanning).

As said this would be easily solvable by building a public api interfacing with our db and have, at least at the beginning, wpscan as an interactive client.

What do you think?

I think I can put up a basic API quickly if we are interested (finally coding! :).

gbrindisi commented 11 years ago

Ok here is my proposal:

Then we have wpscan as a client which can use the API to:

The second phase is to build a web frontend to our central db. Think like an interactive exploit-db where we add vulnerabilities and let people comment/tag/submit them etc.

The idea around this is to streamline the process of update our dbs, build a reliable source of information in alternative to the references we are actually using, let people help debunking advisories easily trough a social frontend.

DISCUSS! :point_right:

ethicalhack3r commented 11 years ago

I like it a lot and think it's a great idea. I will help with any coding needed.

I think there are 3 stages:

If we're going to go ahead with this maybe we could create a shared google docs document to track what needs doing.

gbrindisi commented 11 years ago

I invoke @erwanlr 's opinion!

ethicalhack3r commented 11 years ago

Opened a private Google Doc for design and implementation and have invited @gbrindisi & @erwanlr.

erwanlr commented 11 years ago

Well, i've just one thing to suggest : add an optional version argument for the API :

/search/plugin/$plugin_name/$version /search/theme/$theme_name/$version


ethicalhack3r commented 11 years ago

Sounds good! I've amended the document, feel free to edit it as well. It is just a draft and hoping for input/feedback.

gbrindisi commented 11 years ago

I've added some feedback in the doc.

Will look into migrating our xml dbs to a proper rdbs.

firefart commented 11 years ago

Sounds great! I like the idea of a public wordpress vulns homepage where you can check your plugin list

ethicalhack3r commented 11 years ago

Any preferences on hosting? I don't mind putting the money in for a dedicated VPS.

rakiru commented 11 years ago

What sort of hosting would be needed for this? I can imagine there being a few users of this who could provide hosting for free.

gbrindisi commented 11 years ago

I think a standard vps should do the trick but before investing in it we first need to have a working prototype and do some load tests.

ethicalhack3r commented 11 years ago


@gbrindisi do you want to manage the API creation part? as it was originally your idea and you're most familiar with the language we're using?

If so, is there any part of it you think I could work on? The DB migration? setting up a prototype? testing? etc.

gbrindisi commented 11 years ago

Quick update: we are working on the API (privately for now).

If you have suggestions or ideas to share you can do it by commenting on this issue.

thesp0nge commented 11 years ago

For the server side language I suggest stay in ruby and use GRAPE framework, it is born to help people creating API. Link to my blog with an hello world step - by - step (http://armoredcode.com/blog/build-an-api-for-fun-with-grape/).

ghost commented 11 years ago

Sounds great! If I can help with something..

ethicalhack3r commented 11 years ago

This has been added to the roadmap for the version 3.0 release (https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan/wiki/Roadmap).

What is currently needs doing to get this completed? I think we should make this a priority and put all resources into it that so we can move on.

anantshri commented 11 years ago

is there any progress on this.

gbrindisi commented 11 years ago

Yes but nothing public right now.

anantshri commented 11 years ago

revisiting an old thread in a small hope that some thing might have been done.

any fixed timelines when we can open the api.

ethicalhack3r commented 10 years ago

Please see - http://www.ethicalhack3r.co.uk/brucon-5by5-wpscan-online-vulnerability-database/

The above is a step in the API direction. It is currently being worked on by me and is in a private repo. Release deadline is August 1st 2014.

gallart commented 10 years ago

Hey guys,

Almost 1 year since the last update of this ticket. Any update on the API progression?

ethicalhack3r commented 10 years ago

Hey! Yea, please see previous comment. We're planning on launching BETA on August 1st and then fully released during BruCON in September.

If anyone wants a sneak peak, let me know as I have some of it on a staging server.

fgeek commented 10 years ago

@ethicalhack3r I can still do some testing. Last address is not working anymore.

fgeek commented 10 years ago

Can we close this issue? API looks good.

ethicalhack3r commented 10 years ago

I think we should leave it open until the API goes live :)

Got most of this week booked out to work on it before going BETA on Friday sometime. I'll update the staging server during the week so those that have the link can see the most up to date codebase before BETA.

My biggest priority this week is probably going to be getting WPScan to parse the new JSON data files as well as tying up any loose ends.

firefart commented 10 years ago

just ping me on skype if you need some help @ethicalhack3r. Or we could meet in #WpScan on freenode (still owned by gbrindisi :D)

fgeek commented 10 years ago

Cool we have IRC-channel! :)

firefart commented 10 years ago

Jeah I asked @gbrindisi once if he can promote us to admins, but I think he lost the PW :D

gbrindisi commented 10 years ago

Yeah sorry Chris I lost it and totally forgot. BTW do you know who should I ping to restore it?

fgeek commented 10 years ago

(sorry, update in Freenode)

Please see: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml

"What do I do if I forget my password?"

firefart commented 10 years ago


ethicalhack3r commented 10 years ago

In #WpScan

ethicalhack3r commented 9 years ago

https://wpvulndb.com went live a couple of days a go during BruCON. And with that I'll close our oldest issue. :)

fgeek commented 9 years ago