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User-configurable schedule for Auto-Cache Engine #293

Open raamdev opened 10 years ago

raamdev commented 10 years ago

The Auto-Cache Engine currently runs on 15-minute intervals, caching as many URLs as it can in those 15 minutes (if it doesn't cache everything, that's fine, as it will finish caching the URLs at the next run, ignoring any URLs that have already been cached and which do not need to be re-cached).

It would be nice if a site owner had the option of specifying the frequency of the Auto-Cache Engine, instead of being forced to use the currently hard-coded 15-minute interval.

@renzms writes in https://github.com/websharks/comet-cache/issues/891...

Currently, the only custom controls over the Auto-Cache Engine is if a customer wants to specifically cache a list or URLs, and the Auto-Cache Delay Timer to delay the connection between each run of URLs it makes.

It would also be nice if it were possible to control when the Auto-Cache Engine runs at an interval. This feature could work similar to how the Cache Cleanup Schedule (Dashboard → Comet Cache Pro → Cache Expiration Time → Cache Cleanup Schedule) and allow for caching of files via WP Cron at specific intervals.

This way the ACE process can occur more or less frequently, depending on the specific needs of a customer or their server.

Referencing internal ticket: https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/369994963/1241/

adrianbsystems commented 7 years ago

Ability to choose the Auto-Cache Engine 15 minute hard coded interval would be a really useful feature, the 15 minute interval may be a bit much for many sites that have quite static content

ogessel commented 7 years ago

+1 From me!!

ogessel commented 7 years ago


Is it possible to change the 15 minutes code somewhere? My site is suffering from the 15 minutes intervals. I understand that with each update of CC I would have to check this again.

But is it possible? I only need once a day ;-)

Greets, Olaf

raamdev commented 7 years ago

@ogessel You can use WP Crontrol to modify WP Crons.

ogessel commented 7 years ago



ogessel commented 7 years ago

Hi Raam,

Just one other question, sorry to bother you again 😊

It seems that the 15 minutes update interval only happens when there are some changes or when the cache has expired. Is that correct?

Because I don’t see the cache files changing every 15 minutes, just occasionally (can’t figure out the logic though). It would be a good thing though, when the interval is dependent on changes or expiry.

Greets, Olaf

raamdev commented 7 years ago

@ogessel We reserve GitHub for filing bug reports and making feature requests. Please post support questions to the Community Forum (for Comet Cache Lite) or open a Support Ticket (Comet Cache Pro). Thank you! :)

ogessel commented 7 years ago


ogessel commented 7 years ago

Hi Raam,

I installed WP Crontrol to modify the autocache engine to run once a day only on a specific time. And now I’m trying to follow the guidelines you explained here: https://cometcache.com/kb-article/how-can-i-run-the-auto-cache-engine-manually/

So, I tried to edit the Autocache entry with WP Crontrol but that does not seem to work. Now what I would like to do is delete the default entry in WP Crontrol and add my own Cron. But where you write that you could run the Autocache engine by calling a URL I'm struggling to see where I can put this command in WP Crontrol? Or does that go in the hook name field?

What am I doing wrong?

Greets, Olaf

ogessel commented 7 years ago

And I also am not able to delete it.

Any advice?

raamdev commented 7 years ago

@ogessel As I mentioned above, we reserve GitHub for filing bug reports and making feature requests. Please post support questions to the Community Forum (for Comet Cache Lite) or open a Support Ticket (Comet Cache Pro). Thank you! :)