wpsharks / comet-cache

An advanced WordPress® caching plugin inspired by simplicity.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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When activated on a multinetwork, the cache directory url doesn't behave as expected #923

Open beatelite opened 6 years ago

beatelite commented 6 years ago

Summary: When using a multinetwork (multiple multisites on one install), enabling cometcache for each network, and creating a separately name-spaced cache directory for each network, comet cache switches the url for each site arbitrarily.

Basically, sometimes networks will use other network's url path which means clearing cache sometimes won't work because you may not be using a cache path that's relative your site's network.

This is weird because, while multi-networks may sound exotic, they are simply multiple vanilla multisite networks and every other multisite compatible plugin on the market ( except CC) behaves as expected in this environment - by only working on the network they're installed on.

Reproduction steps:

Current results: Either the cache won't wipe because Comet Cache is using another network's url for cache or, if it does wipe, the subsite will somehow get another network's url for cache and you'll have to wipe THAT network's cache in order for the cache to clear.

Expected results For every site to be able to have it's cache cleared when wiping the cache for that particular site OR when the cache is cleared for it's main network (not another network - which is happening now).

This is a particular problem when using page builders. When you try to clear the cache programmatically after a page save, the cache wont clear. This is because the plugin is looking in it's own network (as expected) for Comet Cache but Comet Cache may not have a cache to clear because it's using another network's cache url. We can't reach across networks with plugins to clear another network's cache so this is really frustrating.

We have a valid top license for CC and hope to get this resolved quickly.

jaswrks commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for this report. I don't believe we have tested in a multinetwork environment yet, so we should definitely do that. cc @raamdev

beatelite commented 6 years ago

Thanks, let me know if I can do any testing.

beatelite commented 6 years ago

Any word on this? I now find I have to totally disable the plugin as it's causing all kinds of issues.