wpsharks / comment-mail

A WordPress plugin enabling email subscriptions for comments.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 3 forks source link

Comment Mail v160611-RC (Release Candidate) #278

Closed raamdev closed 8 years ago

raamdev commented 8 years ago


Please report any issues or feedback related to this Release Candidate using this GitHub issue. Please post a comment below with details.

If you are reporting a UI-related issue, please include a screenshot.

If you are reporting a bug, please provide list of steps to reproduce and if the bug is related to an existing GitHub issue, please provide a link to that GitHub issue as well.

Reported Issues to Fix

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Fixed https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail-pro/commit/192d0fcd65ce8ec88e2083033b812e0467f04019

The Lite version incorrectly contains src/includes/templates/type-a/*, which should not exist as Advanced Templates are a Pro-only feature.

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/websharks/comet-cache-pro/commit/6216325509e8dd097691d2d763d8f8bd4799d497

When Comet Cache is installed on a site, saving the Comment Mail options—e.g., changing and saving the Comment Form configuration option, which directly affects content on the front-end of the site—does not trigger an automated clearing of the cache. At first I thought this might be a Comet Cache issue, but I realized that what probably needs to happen is Comment Mail probably needs to be firing a hook that Comet Cache is already listening for, so this seems like a Comment Mail issue.

kristineds commented 8 years ago

Fixed https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail-pro/commit/331a74b1c36deab19708538aaa97d6ae303e6d3e.

When a site contains subscription data (such as the previous release of Comment Mail), the Lite version shows the Import/Export option on the left-hand side menu of the Dashboard but doesn't do anything, i.e. no instructions or UI panel to import the subscriptions. Referencing: http://comment-mail.com/kb-article/why-did-the-importexport-feature-disappear/

screen shot 2016-06-15 at 3 52 33 am

kristineds commented 8 years ago

Fixed https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail-pro/commit/e1b81262b24036577db9a19c471e269505d6df5e

When Comment Form Subscr. Options Template is enabled with Auto-Subscribe and Auto-Confirm disabled, clicking on the options subscribe without commenting and manage my subscriptions on a post are both showing fatal errors like this:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WebSharks\CommentMail\SsoActions' not found in /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Actions.php:55 Stack trace: #0 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Actions.php(36): WebSharks\CommentMail\Actions->maybeDoSsoActions() #1 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Plugin.php(972): WebSharks\CommentMail\Actions->__construct() #2 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-includes/plugin.php(525): WebSharks\CommentMail\Plugin->actions('') #3 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-settings.php(393): do_action('init') #4 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-config.php(83): require_once('/home4/wsksdev/...') #5 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home4/wsksdev/...') #6 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home4/wsksdev/...') #7 /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/index.php(17) in /home4/wsksdev/public_html/kristine/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Actions.php on line 55

screen shot 2016-06-15 at 4 06 55 am This was tested in two situations:

- Site owner logged-in - Visitor logged-out

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Fixed https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail-pro/commit/ac640becc41b2375bff8f8ff8c6fb04a2a6cd74b

Disabling Data Safeguards (Comment Mail → Config. Options → Data Safeguards) and then deactivating and deleting the plugin does not delete comment_mail_options from the database as you would expect).

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Fixed https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail-pro/commit/331a74b1c36deab19708538aaa97d6ae303e6d3e.

Installing the Lite version on a site that doesn't contain any StCR data in the database (and doesn't even have StCR installed) still generates the Dashboard notice welcoming the site owner as a StCR user:


This might be related to Kristine's report above: https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail/issues/278#issuecomment-225997894

raamdev commented 8 years ago

@kristineds writes...

When a site contains subscription data (such as the previous release of Comment Mail), the Lite version shows the Import/Export option on the left-hand side menu of the Dashboard but doesn't do anything, i.e. no instructions or UI panel to import the subscriptions.

@raamdev writes...

Installing the Lite version on a site that doesn't contain any StCR data in the database (and doesn't even have StCR installed) still generates the Dashboard notice welcoming the site owner as a StCR user

As I suspected, the issue I reported was related to the issue Kristine reported.

There were a few issues here:

To fix these issues https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail-pro/commit/331a74b1c36deab19708538aaa97d6ae303e6d3e accomplishes the following:

Without StCR subscription data to import:


With StCR subscription data to import:


Reedyseth commented 8 years ago


When you delete the StCR plugin from your site, the StCR plugin options are not removed from the database. (See stcr/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded#228) As a result, this Comment Mail conditional that checks if the subscribe_reloaded_version option exists was returning true and Comment Mail was assuming that we should proceed as if the user has StCR installed.

Alright, copy that I will follow up the issue open on StCR as well of this :+1:

jaswrks commented 8 years ago

IS_PRO || ImportStcr::dataExists()

Ah. Great catch! :-)

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail-pro/commit/519c1fb5cf6c2ec20e66bae28a7bf5107233a863

Fatal error upgrading from Comment Mail Lite v160213 (built from the release/160611-RC branch as of 2016-06-18):

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Missing template: `type-a/site/header.php`. in /srv/www/wordpress-default/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Template.php on line 355
( ! ) Exception: Missing template: `type-a/site/header.php`. in /srv/www/wordpress-default/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Template.php on line 355
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.2024  361200  {main}( )   .../index.php:0
2   0.2031  361872  require_once( '/srv/www/wordpress-default/wp-admin/admin.php' ) .../index.php:10
3   1.1135  3784200 do_action( string(10), ??? )    .../admin.php:168
4   2.0251  3911888 WebSharks\CommentMail\Plugin->checkVersion( string(0) ) .../plugin.php:525
5   2.0299  3913232 WebSharks\CommentMail\Upgrader->__construct( )  .../Plugin.php:909
6   2.0299  3913296 WebSharks\CommentMail\Upgrader->maybeUpgrade( ) .../Upgrader.php:37
7   2.0425  3915280 WebSharks\CommentMail\UpgraderVs->__construct( string(6) )  .../Upgrader.php:53
8   2.0425  3915344 WebSharks\CommentMail\UpgraderVs->runHandlers( )    .../UpgraderVs.php:39
9   2.0425  3915344 WebSharks\CommentMail\UpgraderVs->fromLteV160213( ) .../UpgraderVs.php:50
10  2.0558  3990072 WebSharks\CommentMail\Template->__construct( string(15), string(1), true )  .../UpgraderVs.php:116
11  2.0559  3990536 WebSharks\CommentMail\Template->getFileContents( )  .../Template.php:95

Update 2016-06-18 11:29:14 EDT

Discovered that Comment Mail Lite v160213 (the latest public release) incorrectly includes template__type_a__* option keys, even though it does not have any Advanced Templates. This is screwing up getFileContents() in Template.php because it's seeing those option keys and attempting to load the Advanced Template files, which do not exist in the Lite version.

Update 2016-06-18 11:48:17 EDT

It looks like v160611-RC suffers from this issue as well. The Lite version contains the Pro-only template__type_a__* option keys in its default options.

Update 2016-06-18 12:18:08 EDT

I see now that this is not so much a bug in v160213, but rather just an odd design that I wasn't expecting. The Lite version is supposed to be including the Pro-only option keys, it's just that they're being forced to the default values. https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail/blob/160611-RC/src/includes/classes/Plugin.php#L746-L749

The bug that resulted in the above errors is related to the new Version Upgrade routine that handles the migration of Customized Advanced Templates, which are not backwards compatible with v160213.

The fromLteV160213() upgrade routine is not taking into account the fact that the Lite version won't have the src/includes/templates/type-a/* files present and that's what's resulting in the fatal error.

We should only be running that specific VS upgrade routine when IS_PRO to avoid this issue.

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Comment Mail v160618 Released: https://comment-mail.com/comment-mail-v160618-now-available/

Thanks to all for the testing! 👍

jaswrks commented 8 years ago

Woohoo!!!!!! 😀

kristineds commented 8 years ago

Yay! 🎉