wpsharks / comment-mail

A WordPress plugin enabling email subscriptions for comments.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 3 forks source link

Comment Mail v161110-RC (Release Candidate) #313

Closed raamdev closed 7 years ago

raamdev commented 7 years ago

General Availability Target Date: November 16th, 2016



Reporting Issues / Feedback

Please report any issues or feedback related to this Release Candidate using this GitHub issue. Please post a comment below with details.

If you are reporting a UI-related issue, please include a screenshot.

If you are reporting a bug, please provide list of steps to reproduce and if the bug is related to an existing GitHub issue, please provide a link to that GitHub issue as well.

Reported Issues to Fix

None at this time.

renzms commented 7 years ago


Tested Bug Fix: Exclude unapproved comments from the dropdown menu on the 'Subscribe Without Commenting' form. - Working 👍

Tested New SparkPost Integration (Pro). - Reported findings on Fatal Error found in RC build here: https://github.com/websharks/comment-mail/issues/265#issuecomment-259645984

@jaswsinc has added a fix in the latest build for it. The fatal error is not found in the latest build. 👍

Tested New Feature (Pro): Adding support for MailChimp integration. - Working 👍

raamdev commented 7 years ago

Tested and confirmed this change is working as expected:

kristineds commented 7 years ago

Tested this integration and confirmed that it is working as expected, see feedback here:

raamdev commented 7 years ago

Comment Mail v161118 has been released and includes changes from this GitHub Issue. See the v161118 announcement for further details.

This issue will now be locked to further updates. If you have something to add related to this GitHub Issue, please open a new GitHub Issue and reference this one (#313).