wpsharks / s2clean

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Alternative Layout #16

Open brucewrks opened 9 years ago

brucewrks commented 9 years ago

This can be a part of #15.

I'd like to add the option to recreate the base BootStrap layout with s2Clean, such as is available at http://getbootstrap.com/. This can be wrapped into a "Full Width" theme option that will break down some of the borders on the theme's different portions (like Post Content, and Comments), and make the Header more "deliberate".

The theme's Footer and Navbar already fits into this style of view, so it shouldn't be a huge deal to have a secondary option for this style.

screen shot 2014-12-05 at 10 56 37 pm

jaswrks commented 9 years ago

wrapped into a "Full Width"

Just wanted to mention that there are currently several ways to alter the layout, provided by Custom Fields in the Post Editing station. In terms of a "Full Width" or "Fluid" layout, you can add the Custom Field fluid=true, or just tack it onto the end of a URL, preceded by _.

Check this: http://jaswsinc.com/?_fluid=true

jaswrks commented 9 years ago

that will break down some of the borders on the theme's different portions (like Post Content, and Comments), and make the Header more "deliberate".

I think it will be difficult to please everyone. Whatever you decide, a short-term solution would be to add custom CSS using one of the Custom Code sections provided by s2Clean. Or, a site owner could choose a Bootstrap theme and change the path to the Bootstrap theme that s2Clean comes with by default.

In this sense, s2Clean is really a parent theme, where you can swap out the current Bootstrap CSS URL for another that you've selected, built yourself, or that you bought elsewhere. The fact that s2Clean is built on Bootstrap, will be a huge selling-point, I think.