wpsharks / s2clean

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Jetpack Compat. Testing #22

Open jaswrks opened 9 years ago

jaswrks commented 9 years ago

@raamdev writes...

At the bare minimum, I would expect s2Clean (as a Pro product) to work flawlessly with all of the Jetpack features (because Jetpack is very popular), and with any features that WordPress natively supports. If that means dynamically disabling some s2Clean features when it detects Jetpack is active for example, that's fine (that's how I handle potential conflicts in the Independent Publisher theme).

@jaswsinc writes... ( cc @brucewsinc )

I'm not aware that a default installation of s2Clean would conflict with Jetpack, but additional testing will be required to achieve better compatibility that can be documented by a demo site or in a KB for s2Clean.

Recently, it was found that the MD parsing functionality (coupled with Embedly, which is added by s2Clean) was conflicting with oEmbed syntax provided by WordPress under certain conditions, while only leaving support for the [embed] shortcode syntax. This was corrected in websharks/s2clean#21

There has been some initial testing against a few Jetpack features, such as: comments, contact forms, and related posts. Further testing is needed however.

I feel it should be noted that Jetpack is a collection of plugins for WordPress that are maintained by Automattic. It's very popular, and it falls into the same category that I stick things like bbPress and BuddyPress into whenever I'm working to achieve compatibility with other popular plugins by Automattic.

Like Raam, I consider those to be very important, because they are important to our users.

However, if a plugin or theme that I'm building provides a similar functionality, I would not give a higher precedence to plugins by Automattic. If I can achieve compatibility with both through dynamic detections/adjustments, then that's great and I think we should strive to accomplish this if at all possible. I think in most cases it is quite possible to do.

However, if it's going to add a lot of extra work and maintenance to achieve this, I would not bother. I have learned it is better to put my primary focus always on WordPress itself, and not on compat. with other plugins for it, even if those are from Automattic or another popular contributor.

Take s2Member for instance. If I could go back and remove support for BuddyPress I would do so. I should have worked to add this functionality myself instead of trying to maintain compatibility with a third-party app. We can do the same (or better) than Automattic and other popular contributors. If we are going to compete in the open market we should make an effort to do so. There are times when compatibility is the right move/choice, and times when it is the wrong choice. I think it depends on the goals that the developer has for their application.

Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I leave it to Bruce to decide the future of s2Clean in this regard. My suggestion would be to open issues for each Jetpack feature so that you can track progress on the testing of compatibility with these features one at a time.

raamdev commented 9 years ago

However, if a plugin or theme that I'm building provides a similar functionality, I would not give a higher precedence to plugins by Automattic [...] I have learned it is better to put my primary focus always on WordPress itself,

I mostly agree with you, however I feel it's important to point out that Jetpack is unique here. While BuddyPress and bbPress add a whole slew of new functionality to an existing WordPress site, Jetpack is designed (and has been from the start) to enhance and extend existing features.

Automattic has made it clear that their intention with Jetpack is to provide self-hosted WordPress users the same functionality and feature set that WordPress.com users get, i.e., the enterprise-level features that would normally only be available on WordPress.com.

Jetpack is special here because it's not a plugin that provides a single, specific set of new functionality (like BuddyPress with social features, and bbPress with forum features) but instead is a collection of enhancements that Automattic maintains. Automattic is trying to avoid adding too much new stuff to WordPress core and uses the Jetpack collection of features as a way to continue extending WordPress without making Core overly heavy.

So when I think about Jetpack, I think about it as part of WordPress Core; it's a feature of WordPress itself (not just a WordPress plugin like BuddyPress and bbPress) and many WordPress users think of it the same way. They expect everything that would work with WordPress to also work with Jetpack, or at least co-exist with it in a way that doesn't break stuff.