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Generating Membership Forms with s2Member Pro-Forms and Buttons (Overview) #315

Closed patdumond closed 7 years ago

patdumond commented 8 years ago
KB Article Creation Checklist

KB Article Published @ s2member.com
:page_with_curl: See: Generating Membership Forms with s2Member Pro-Forms and Buttons (Overview)

:octocat: View Markdown File | :pencil2: Edit Markdown File

patdumond commented 8 years ago

@jaswsinc, @raamdev: This is the overview/intro to the articles on Pro-Form/Button generation. It should probably not be published until the other articles are available, since it will link to them. Most of them are ready and I hope to have the drafts up this weekend or early next week. I was mostly getting this organized as it WAS another "too big" KBA.

jaswrks commented 8 years ago

Looks great to me :-)

should probably not be published until the other articles are available

Copy that.

patdumond commented 7 years ago

Added link to KBA: [Generating Member Registration Access Links(https://github.com/websharks/s2member-kb/issues/320)

patdumond commented 7 years ago

Added link to KBA: Configuring Custom Return URLs (Thank You Pages) Upon Success

imranpatel4444 commented 5 years ago


I want to setup 3 level membership.

Level 0 for $0.5 for 7 days after than using recurring payment it will be auto upgrade to level 1 and auto pay $10 for level 1 membership for 1 month.

Is this possible ?

Can we set recurring payment for 0 level using stripe payment ?

Waiting for you replay

Thank you

Mugane commented 3 years ago

what would be useful is a table of all the shortcode options and their descriptions. Where is this list?