wpsharks / s2member

s2Member® Framework (membership management for WordPress®).
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Redirect to custom URL instead of MOP #595

Open KTS915 opened 9 years ago

KTS915 commented 9 years ago

When s2Member was first developed, it was no doubt seen as providing a way of selling memberships to the general public. Redirecting logged-out users to a rather sophisticated Membership Options Page therefore makes perfect sense.

But s2Member has now proved successful in many other environments. In some of these cases, redirecting to an MOP does not make much sense. For sites used as intranets, for example, the site owner has no interest in selling memberships to the general public.

At the moment, the best that s2Member can offer in this scenario is to follow the guidance here: http://s2member.com/kb-article/automatically-redirecting-to-a-protected-page-after-login/

But that's really an inconvenient and somewhat ugly compromise for the situation I am describing.

In these cases, it would be better to be able to replace the MOP with a setting that enables the site owner to redirect logged-out users to a custom URL (specified by the site owner) while still carrying all the MOP Vars information. That would (a) enable a site owner to set any page as the login page, and (b) mean that any member who was attempting to access a specific page would be redirected to it immediately after login.

I notice that the Ultimate Member plugin provides this functionality and it works well. I wonder if the same functionality could be incorporated into s2Member (as a Pro feature, perhaps)?

Thanks for considering this!

jaswrks commented 9 years ago

it would be better to be able to replace the MOP with a setting that enables the site owner to redirect logged-out users to a custom URL (specified by the site owner) while still carrying all the MOP Vars information. That would (a) enable a site owner to set any page as the login page, and (b) mean that any member who was attempting to access a specific page would be redirected to it immediately after login.

Cool idea. I see no problem with this at all, and it is something that we do already for the Login Welcome Page, so it makes perfect sense. Thanks for the insight and suggestion. I will accept this as a feature request :-)

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Also requested here: https://github.com/websharks/s2member-kb/issues/131#issuecomment-157723904

raamdev commented 8 years ago

Related: https://github.com/websharks/s2member/issues/784