wpsmith / genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget

Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget. Based on Nick Croft's Genesis Featured Widget Amplified for additional functionality which allows support for custom post types, taxonomies, and extends the flexibility of the widget via action hooks to allow the elements to be re-positioned or other elements to be added.
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Read more without taxonomy #19

Closed chadmohr closed 10 years ago

chadmohr commented 10 years ago

Very happy that Featured Widget Amplified lives on. Very.

I am having an issue where if All Terms/Taxonomies or All Categories are chosen I cannot set a read more link. This worked in the previous plugin. I have read the other resolved issues here and made sure those changes exist in the plugin version I am running. No luck.

If I enable the link and provide a custom URL with All Categories chosen I get this error: Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /wp-includes/formatting.php on line 2896

If I choose All Terms and Taxonomies the widget works but simple does not show a link.

Thanks for keeping this alive.

jonburr commented 10 years ago

I appreciate the work on this highly useful plugin - and the features, not found elsewhere - are exactly what we need. It's deployed in this site: http://metropolitanmen.com I'm having a similar issue to chadmohr's. "Read more..." doesn't show - or shows inconsistently - when the widget is deployed in .home-middle. I have 2 instances of the plugin in the same widget... can this also cause a conflict preventing this function?

wpsmith commented 10 years ago

I am sorry but I do not follow what the problem is. It appears that @chadmohr issue is related to Terms and Taxonomy selection based on the description. @chadmohr please try the latest version, and if it does not work for you, would you please provide more information, maybe a screen shot?

@jonburr since your issue (inconsistent display of the read more), please open a different request, and please provide more information as well.

jonburr commented 10 years ago

Thanks for getting back Travis.. on further investigation I found that the problem is unrelated. My issue probably has to do with the published status of the posts in question, which are set to "private" currently. If we have a problem when they are published, I'll open a new thread. Thanks again for your work, and for your response!

chadmohr commented 10 years ago

Hi Travis, Read More still doesn't display when All Tax & Terms are chosen. Perhaps this makes sense because by default what would you be linking to? You need a specific taxonomy to generate a link to something, or you would need to use the field provided to specify a URL to link to. When I use that field nothing displays.

So I did a bit more playing and chose a specific category to display, turned on the read more line and specified a URL. The URL I used is not picked up. It looks like

Line 715 on in widget.php doesn't seem to account for the possibility of a user entered URL.

I would be happy to give you access to the sites to look.

Screen shot 1 is setting shows All Tax & Terms settings. Screen shot 2 shows output.



Screen shot 3 shows specific category chosen. Screen shot 4 shows output.



wpsmith commented 10 years ago

Yes, by default, it does not make sense if All Terms/Taxonomies is selected. So, I will hide the fields if All Terms/Taxonomies is selected.