wpsmith / genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget

Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget. Based on Nick Croft's Genesis Featured Widget Amplified for additional functionality which allows support for custom post types, taxonomies, and extends the flexibility of the widget via action hooks to allow the elements to be re-positioned or other elements to be added.
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Code error in includes/widget.php #26

Closed jonburr closed 10 years ago

jonburr commented 10 years ago

Hi Travis - Another issue I've encountered... found a fix with the help of Ben Furfie - line 354 of includes/widget.php should read

$byline = sprintf( '<p class="byline post-info">%s</p>', do_shortcode( $instance['post_info'] ) );

Otherwise, trying to hide "Filed Under:" in the widget settings for Post Categories

[post_categories before=""]

fails and shows ""Categoryname for post_categories. Here's the post on Google+ on the issue: https://plus.google.com/113400156927645214686/posts/LiXxWqCjQpr