wpsmith / genesis-sandbox-featured-content-widget

Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget. Based on Nick Croft's Genesis Featured Widget Amplified for additional functionality which allows support for custom post types, taxonomies, and extends the flexibility of the widget via action hooks to allow the elements to be re-positioned or other elements to be added.
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Switching Widget From Pages to Posts #28

Closed codezen8 closed 10 years ago

codezen8 commented 10 years ago

Widget stops working and must be recreated if you switch content type from post to page, then switch back to post

Steps taken: I configured a widget as a post, include/exclude set to "include, post id to a specific ID, display one post - This works Switched the content type to page and selected page from dropdown, adisplay a single page - This works Switched the content type back to post and the "Include/exclude" dropdown does not appear on the widget, the post ID field is there and set it to a single post id - This does not work, Widget appears blank on front end

There appears to be no way to get the "include/exclude" dropdown back. widget must be deleted and re-created

wpsmith commented 10 years ago

Fixed in 1.1.7