wptide / wptide.org

Tide is a WordPress.org Component that runs a series of automated tests against every WordPress.org theme and plugin
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Feature: Store audit reports in a GCS bucket #72

Closed derekherman closed 1 year ago

derekherman commented 2 years ago


This PR stores the results of an audit (the report) in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, instead of Firestore. As well, dependencies have been updated for both development and live services. Test coverage remains at 100% but I will need to deploy and test this code on GCP before merging.


bartoszgadomski commented 1 year ago

@jeffpaul @ivankruchkoff I tested this code on my localhost and I confirm that:

Description Screenshot / attachment
Response of /api/v1/audit/... Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 10 44 15
Content of Firebase storage bucket - lighthouse directory Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 10 44 43
Content of Firebase storage bucket - phpcs_phpcompatibilitywp directory Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 10 44 53
Content of lighthouse and phpcs_phpcompatibilitywp report files reports.zip