wptrainingteam / learn-theme-beta

Beta for a ressurection of the learn.wordpress.org site
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Last import step on local development isn't working properly. #59

Open ashokdhaduk opened 5 years ago

ashokdhaduk commented 5 years ago

See this - http://prntscr.com/p7nx7a

ashokdhaduk commented 5 years ago

I found that there are some changes done after imported xml file. Like updated post type slugs. see this http://prntscr.com/p7o1r9

Import file has post type lesson_plan but admin view shows lesson-plan slug

jessecowens commented 5 years ago

@ashokdhaduk You're right, we need to update the XML file. In the meantime, use the WP-CLI commands in step 7 rather than the XML file