wptrainingteam / repo-template

Template for creating lesson plan repos, including the lesson plan template. Fork this or use it as a template to create new lesson plans.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dev donkiely #22

Closed DonKiely closed 5 years ago

DonKiely commented 5 years ago

Repo Structure and Lesson Plan Template

Please remove all blockquote comments such as this before publishing.

WordPress Version

This Lesson Plan is built using WordPress version 5.0.1.

Indicate which version of WordPress that you built the lesson plan with. This will make it easier over time to maintain the lesson plan as WordPress evolves. Each time you review or update the lesson plan, particularly when updating screen captures, update the WordPress version number.


A short paragraph explaining what is covered in the lesson plan, written in full sentences. This should be text that can be copied and used in a meetup or workshop description.


After completing this lesson, participants will be able to:

It’s required that you include a bulleted list of objective(s) for each lesson plan. List objectives as the completion of sentences that begin with the introductory text, with the first letter capitalized and a period at the end of each sentence. Objectives should be worded as actions that the participant can do once they’ve finished. See Bloom's Taxonomy of Action Verbs (PDF) as a reference. Avoid using words like "know," "understand," "be introduced to," etc.

Target Audience

Who is this lesson intended for? What interests/skills would they bring? Choose all that apply.

Experience Level

How much experience would a participant need to get the most from this lesson?

Type of Instruction

Which strategies will be used for this lesson plan? Choose all that apply.

Time Estimate (Duration)

How long will it take to teach this lesson (in minutes)?

____ minutes

The time estimate is your best guess how long a training session will typically be for an instructor who is well prepared and efficient to present the material, allowing for exercises and questions. Don't stress over this too much; the estimate will be refined when the Lesson Plan is tested after you finish it and a copy editor reviews it.

Prerequisite Skills

Participants will get the most from this lesson if they have familiarity with:

Prerequisite skills is a list of skills students require to learn and understand the material in the lesson plan. List skills as phrases, not sentences, and don't include a period at the end of each item. Capitalize the first letter of each phrase.

For example:

  • Experience with HTML and CSS
  • Completed the Basic WordPress Concepts lesson

Readiness Questions

A list of questions for participants to see if they have the background and skills necessary to learn and understand the lesson. You can use these as pre-screening questions on Meetup.

For example:

  • Do you want to makes changes to your theme yourself?
  • Do you know how to write CSS?

Materials Needed

A list of files, resources, equipment, or other materials the instructor will need to teach the lesson. Links to materials should open in a new tab and should include the title attribute within each link. If there are no required assets, please list "None."

For example:

  • A local install of WordPress
  • The files for the TwentySixteen theme
  • Slides (included in this repo)

Notes for the Instructor

A list of any handy tips or other information for the instructor.

For example:

  • Participants may need to download the TwentySixteen theme before beginning
  • What to do if there’s no projector or internet available
  • What to do if a participant doesn’t have the necessary set up
  • How to handle different opinions about the topic

Lesson Outline

The plan for the lesson. Outline form works well.

For example:

  • Talk about what a theme is
  • Demonstrate how to install and activate a theme
  • Practice exercises to have participants find and install a theme on their own site


Exercise name

Short description of what the exercise does and what skills or knowledge it reinforces.

These are short or specific activities that help participants practice certain components of the lesson. They should not be fully scripted exercises, but rather something that participants could do on their own. For example, you can create an exercise based on one step of the Example Lesson.


Write out the question.

  1. Option
  2. Option
  3. Option
  4. Option

Answer: 3. Correct answer

A few questions to ask participants to evaluate their retention of the material presented. They should be a measure of whether the objectives were reached. Consider having a question for each objective.

List possible answers to questions in an ordered list. Answers can be phrases, sentences, code samples, etc. It is acceptable to have multiple possible answers comprise the complete answer.

Additional Resources

An optional section which can contain a list of resources that the instructor can use to get more information on the topic. It is particularly useful to include links to relevant sections of the WordPress Codex here.

For example:

  • Link to information on the Codex
  • Theme Review Team's Handbook

Example Lesson

An example of how the lesson plan can be implemented. Written in script form as one possible way an instructor might use this lesson plan at an event, with screenshots and instructions if necessary.

Section Heading for Example Lesson

You will likely need to break the Example Lesson down into multiple sections.

Lesson Wrap Up

Follow with the Exercises and Assessment outlined above.

DonKiely commented 5 years ago

Updates resulting from eliminating the details of the Structure section in Style Guide on make.wordpress.org. Note also the suggested addition of the WordPress Version section.