wpzoom / instagram-widget-by-wpzoom

The easiest way to add a nice Instagram widget on your WordPress site. It just works!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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PHP notices #5

Closed hogash closed 4 years ago

hogash commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, i'm getting these 2 PHP notices:

Notice: Undefined index: image-limit in /.../wp-content/plugins/instagram-widget-by-wpzoom/class-wpzoom-instagram-widget-api.php on line 343

Notice: Undefined index: image-width in /.../wp-content/plugins/instagram-widget-by-wpzoom/class-wpzoom-instagram-widget-api.php on line 344


ciorici commented 4 years ago

Hi @hogash,

Can you please tell us how we can replicate this problem?

Are you using the latest version from wp.org? https://wordpress.org/plugins/instagram-widget-by-wpzoom/

What PHP version do you use?


hogash commented 4 years ago

Salut Pavel!!

Scuze! Problema e de la mine. Am observat ca nu mi-am corectat implementarea. Foloseam metoda get_items veche, cu 3 argumente. In versiunile noi vad ca e un singur argument doar. Ciudat ca nu am primit nici un notice in tot acest timp.

PS: Sunteti foarte tari!!
