wrachel / PrimitiveApes

Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro
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Objectives for PBL #21

Open wiz124 opened 2 years ago

wiz124 commented 2 years ago

To be done in order:

  1. complete markup of home page: 4/18 to 4/21
    • fully designed homepage with css styling
    • buttons all work/ lead somewhere
    • aesthetically pleasing page
  2. start creating java application for random seating: 4/22 to 4/25
    • create basic framework for data input
    • create database to store names
    • create algorithm that randomizes input
  3. create html page for java app: 4/25 to 4/27
    • show a display of names
    • dynamic table that updates with each input
    • create a grid layout for output
    • dynamic table can also remove names
  4. integrate java app with web page: 4/28 to 5/7
    • have input from html page stored to database
    • clear function to wipe out database data
    • edits to table syncs with edits to database, example: delete a certain name from table --> deletes name from table
    • outputs from random function to classroom layout
    • drag and drop function for user edit of output
  5. add more things if we have time: time allotted undecided
    • add user accounts
wiz124 commented 2 years ago

all this will be temporarily done by me due to circumstances :(