wrachel / PrimitiveApes

Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro
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Review Week 1- Crossover between Charlie and Harry #22

Open wiz124 opened 2 years ago

wiz124 commented 2 years ago

This week's objective has been met, as seen in runtime, home page has been completed, Objectives: https://github.com/wrachel/PrimitiveApes/issues/21 Runtime proof: (deployment is currently experiencing technical difficulties) image coding artifacts: https://github.com/wrachel/PrimitiveApes/commit/0a5a6e02817e91d90b230eca45e94fa860bdc2f5 Commit history: https://github.com/wrachel/PrimitiveApes/commits/master individual github page: https://wiz124.github.io/Harry-Li-tri3-Compsci/ team gitpage: https://wrachel.github.io/PrimitiveApes/ coding reflection: Overall coding experience was fun. I found myself trying out new html elements in order to figure out how to make the home page aesthetically pleasing. The css styling was a challenge because some of the elements wouldn't be positioned or styled the way I wanted it to be. It was super satisfying when I did get everything in the right place doing the right thing. I especially liked the special animations I put in to make the website look more dynamic.

1855387 commented 2 years ago

Charlie Crossover Grading of Harry : 4.6/5