wrachel / PrimitiveApes

Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro
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Final Project Dev 1 Rachel Review Ticket #35

Open wrachel opened 2 years ago

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Individual Progress for Rachel

Main Commit: 87bcd98401e74b1f7f31a1c1533bbb023dd26147

WIP: fix algorithm to work so that it considers when # of students is not divisible by # of tables

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Scrum Master Review: Individual Score:0.9/0.9 Grade: 1.8/1.8

Well, I'm reviewing myself so. Everything is on task in order to be completed in time, so the team score should be 0.9/0.9. For individual work, I worked every day on optimizing the algorithm (apparent by the commits I made). I sitll have things to work on, but overall (according to the schedule I made earlier), we are on track to finish.