wrachel / PrimitiveApes

Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro
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Final Project N@TM Review Ticket #40

Open wrachel opened 2 years ago

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Group Work Overview

Link to Commercial Link to Github Pages

Group Grade Self-Assessment

20/21 (not including 5 for seed, 5 for teacher final assessment, and 4 for individual assignments and completion) link to detailed assessment

Comments from sponsor:

Technical Features Overview:

Database & notes:

described in Github Pages. java files for database BACKEND and FRONTEND Includes many-to-one relations, CRUD methods to add and delete to database, and "notes" function for each student

Authentication/authorization controls:

Randomization generator:

uses Java Algorithm found here to create random seats. Creates an ArrayList of Object "Student," where each student has their name and table group. Randomly assigns "Student" objects to different table groups. Outputs the results to the frontend.

Additional Features:

Home page

Explains our goals, our purpose, and gets people introduced to our project. Also, it looks nice.

About us page

Gives an overview of each team member and links to their profile

Documentation of Project

All the following are described on this github pages

Showing Engagement (Tickets, Scrum Board)
Maintaining Master Plan,
Sponsor Assessment (GitHub Pages)
Team Assessment (Team Score)

Features Mr. Jenkins would like

Individual Review Tickets:

wrachel commented 2 years ago

N@TM Pictures: -unfortunately, the file sizes were too big to put in this ticket https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v0lr34aFadvxONDRU_-Ni0d99DECLrHim2JcF9SVWuA/edit

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Overall Group Grading (explanation from Scrum Master)

19/21 Meeting Tech Guidelines

Requirements verified and accepted by the sponsor 3/4:

Presentation at N@TM: 4/4

Presentation to teacher 4/4

1 minute commercial video: 4/4

Meeting new tech requirements: 4/5

Overall, we were organized and followed the timeline closely. Towards the end, our group struggled with efficiency (due to absences because of COVID), but I’m actually really proud of the group for still remaining active in the group chat and through individual messages and getting things done when asked to :). We still made good progress and had an (almost) complete final project to show at N@TM that met most of the tech requirements!