wrachel / PrimitiveApes

Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro
1 stars 0 forks source link

Final Review Ticket - Harry #41

Open wrachel opened 2 years ago

wiz124 commented 2 years ago

Overall Grade: /30 commits: integrating frontend with backend: 690fbc4c183b3ca67a8bf71b00457e20985b1d04 setting up database: 3afc8e9a66ec9101f65655397f66ae92b57deca7 frontend(homepage, data table pages): bdf81382b74421dbea7d9fd0da6197af95cfa1b9 , 360f526c6bd0ddeecd3416febc8d69aeb527fb73

Individual Assignments and Completion: 4/4

Technical Process/Documentation

Reflection The project seemed daunting at first since it was only me working on it. I learned some more html and css coding like animations and positioning. The positioning was sort of difficult since thymeleaf was different. Once I grasped these concepts, coding the other html pages was easy. The frontend part was easier than I expected. I tried to code the database and found it difficult. There were many parts to it. However, I was able to grasp how the code worked for being able to access database data and output it to a table. I was also able to figure out how put inputs from the frontend and store it to the database as well.

19/21 Group grade Group Grade

wiz124 commented 2 years ago

Scrum Master Seed Grading:

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Scrum Master Seed Grading: 4.5/5 Worked in class, but sometimes was off task / not working efficiently in class (-0.5), was absent from class but still remained active on team group chat. Attended N@TM and helped present