wrachel / TaxEvaders

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Week 11 review ticket #41

Open wrachel opened 2 years ago

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Crossover Scores

Rachel: 8.7/10 Link to grading The team review ticket The individual review ticket

Bryant: 9.6/10 Link to grading The individual review ticket The team review ticket

Kevin: 9.8/10 Link to grading The team review ticket individual review ticket

Harry: 9.8/10 Link to grading The team review ticket individual review ticket

HexaDrakon commented 2 years ago

Bryant also did work [individual ticket]

oh yeah video haha https://youtu.be/1-zVyRdXLHU

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Team Ticket:

TEAM VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/oqaEJlrpMGw

wiz124 commented 2 years ago

My work: created profile page frontend and cleaned up frontend for signin/signup 37a7d7f7f581ff785398744bfba0e90a1bc396f5 78fc809ce6a51b6d0397d706367b6bea9af0670a 9671023f0fb91af11040bdfd43e2a0650b09a0d2 4337d0abedc3d66d05b1650ee9b3d2e8a0b03a7e bcddff29a5c51e5e6ca1a96c3d96806799e08981

This commit shows use of java and js: fa5fa87a5c38bf92543b1e8476b600d71b75375a

Wiki on deployment: https://github.com/wrachel/TaxEvaders/wiki/Deployment https://github.com/wrachel/TaxEvaders/wiki/deployment-update-guide

video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bzXR8J3BbkEwd9cK4SKu-PavU29g0U6t/view?usp=sharing

kevin-dough commented 2 years ago

Kevin's Review Ticket:


21acd9a7037824934a44923bcc09c8162eddb133 (functionality/backend)

e650eb5325814a701a3cc295c6cc99ac476587c8 (frontend)

PASSMANAGER Password Entry Form

5c78baf9e0784fe010b437787ab159a71b9b1fc5 5b06c180fc1bf80ebf5b10bc565cd1afafec19ca

WebPage LAYOUT Diagram


kylem314 commented 2 years ago

Crossover grading for Rachel by Kyle - Total score: 8.7/10

Individual Evaluation on PBL Project - 4.7 / 5

Team Evaluation -

GitHub Pages 2.3/2.5

Runtime Features shown in 1 minute video 1.7/2.5

Overall comments on quality

ryanmgds commented 2 years ago

Crossover grading for Bryant - Total Score 9.6/10

Individual Evaluation on PBL Project - 5/5pts

Team Final Grading Considerations - 4.4/5 pts

1855387 commented 2 years ago

Crossover grading for Kevin - Total score: 9.8 /10

Individual Evaluation on PBL Project - 5 / 5

1/1 - One PBL MVC feature - Kevin created a passmanager searchbar, taking in user input to filter through the users on their site and their passwords. 1/1 - Individual commits showing algorithms written in JS and/or Java - Commits are easy to find and show Kevin's dedication. They are very frequent and impactful, shows his knowledge of javascript. 1/1 - Wiki with design ideas and usage - Wiki shows Kevin's thought process. I thought the diagram was very easy to follow and truly demonstrated that Kevin knew what he was doing. 1/1 - Final program code - Final program works on the running site as demonstrated, no bugs or flaws. 1/1 - A 1 minute video - Video fit into the timeframe of 1 minute while showing the functionality and usability of code.

Team Evaluation - 4.8 / 5

GitHub Pages .5 / .5 - PBL theme consistent through project and described in Github Pages - The theme is described here and the running site shows a consistent theme. .5 / .5 - Sassy / Bootstrap illustration in GitHub pages - shown in live review and described within the github pages .5 / .5 - Database - CRUD operations on project centered database tables and describe in GitHub Pages - database is functional on their site and has CRUD operations. .5 / .5 - Deployed Project 24/7 - Deployment Overview and Policies described in GitHub Pages - The site is deployed here .5 / .5 - Async Operation (ie JavaScript fetch) described in GitHub pages - Thoroughly described in live review by Bryant, and is demonstrated in github pages.

Runtime Features shown in 1 minute video .5 / .5 Highlight of best features - The whole video describes the best features of their site and it is very thorough. .5 / .5 Scrum Board - overview of completed tasks and GitHub tangibles - The scrum board is thoroughly reviewed within the video, nice job. .5 / .5 MVC Package - a code overview showing a complete MVC package - The use of MVC is very in-depth and describes how they used it to their advantage. .5 / .5 Search on project database tables, easy to identify from UI - The search on the database was covered in the video and done by Kevin. .3 / .5 Google Search or Google translate implemented - Attempt was made towards the google search but still wasn't fully implemented into the site.

wrachel commented 2 years ago

Rachel's individual work:

Wiki: https://github.com/wrachel/TaxEvaders/wiki/MVC-Creative-Process

Link to Individual Video: https://youtu.be/sr_lxysS9CA