wrappid / core

This is a Wrappid package repository that contains core functionalities of Wrappid Framework that enables users to use Wrappid's core features and components.
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enhancement: enable grid view for CoreList component #377

Open arkaprota opened 2 months ago

arkaprota commented 2 months ago

Enable grid view for CoreList component, so that all children (CoreListItem) appear on grid.

The new variant (GRID) should also support the following:

    • [x] props for number of items in every row for different screen sizes (default, sm, md,...)
    • [x] props to enable toolbar
    • [x] toolbar to navigate between LIST and GRID, preferably multiple GRID sizes (like 3 items per row OR 4 items per row OR ...)
    • [x] the toolbar should also have a search (this will only search in the already rendered items)
    • [ ] Support lazy loading for the CoreList
    • [x] CoreListSubHeader is getting wrapped
    • [x] if a array is sent inside the list it will create a list

Image Present state: CoreList variant="list" (Default) image

Expected: CoreList variant="grid" image

techoneel commented 2 months ago

will you please attach a scribble picture exactly what we want to achieve