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DOC: kids > minecraft #29

Open westurner opened 3 years ago

westurner commented 3 years ago
westurner commented 3 years ago


westurner commented 3 years ago


westurner commented 3 years ago



westurner commented 2 years ago


From https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26428340 ::

I just found this: https://coderdojotc.readthedocs.io/projects/python-minecraft/en/latest/

This documentation supports the CoderDojo Twin Cities’ Build worlds in Minecraft with Python code group. This group intends to teach you how to use Python, a general purpose programming language, to mod the popular game called Minecraft. It is targeted at students aged 10 to 17 who have some programming experience in another language. For example, in Scratch

[...] So I just searched for "site: readthedocs.io kids python" https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Areadthedocs.io+kids+python and found a few new and old things:

SensorCraft (pyglet (Python + OpenGL)) from US AFRL Sensors Directorate has e.g. Gravity, Rocket Launch, and AI tutorials:

Most people are familiar with Minecraft [...] for this project we are using a Minecraft type environment created in the Python programming language. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Sensors Directorate located in Dayton, Ohio created this guide to inspire kids of all ages to learn to program and at the same time get an idea of what it is like to be a Scientist or Engineer for the Air Force. We created this YouTube video about SensorCraft


conda install -c conda-forge -y pyglet should probably work. Miniforge on Win/Mac/Lin is an easy way to get Python installed on anything including ARM64 for a RPi or similar; conda create -n scraft; conda install -c conda-forge -y python=3.8 jupyterlab jupytext jupyter-book pyglet . If you're in a conda env, pip install should install things within that conda env. Here's the meta.yaml in the conda-forge pyglet-feedstock: https://github.com/conda-forge/pyglet-feedstock/blob/master/recipe/meta.yaml