wreality / laser-gcode-app

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Super Feature Request: New Project from File #25

Open zimmer62 opened 10 years ago

zimmer62 commented 10 years ago

The workflow would be wizard "ish"

1) click New Project from File 2) select PDF 3) project name is guessed from the filename using a to be determined algorithm. 4) PDF is parsed into multiple PDF's one per unique color 5) system asks what type of material you're cutting / engraving if it didn't already guess that from the filename (example if the filename is called tiles_3mmPlywood it will skip this step) 6) system looks up default settings based on colors and material types and organized the job into most likely to engrave to most likely to cut set of paths. 7) wizard shows you these things and lets you reorganize / change power/speed if need be 8) clicking done will generate the gcode, and start the download.

Only 3 steps really needed for user input (select file, choose power/speed settings per color if best guess isn't correct, reorder if needed)

Something to think about is if we have multiple cuts in a job, they might end up on the same layer. Is it possible to import .AI files or some format that supports layers? Does PDF support layers?

Color and intensity could determine power and speed, then we wouldn't really need to care about the material, the user would need to care when they were making the PDF.

I'm imagining uploading a PDF that has 1 engrave and 1 cut. I made that file by having the lines be black and red.
I name the file JoesOrnament_3mmPly.pdf I upload it and the system creates the project called "Joes Ornament", with two paths, detects that I want engrave 3mm plywood as my first path, and cut 3mm plywood as my second path. Shows me these things with the ability to change if needed. creates the gcode file and lets me download it.