wren / jrnl.vim

Syntax for jrnl files in vim
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Not working well #2

Closed xeruf closed 2 years ago

xeruf commented 2 years ago

So, I am having a few issues in neovim with vim-plug:

There is a fork that at least highlights dates as well, but that's it.

wren commented 2 years ago

Hi! The notification for this fell through the cracks, so I apologize for the slow response.

The automatic recognition of .jrnl files isn't a feature of this repo (although it's a good suggestion).

For the highlighting problems you're having, can you please provide some info about your environment (version numbers, etc)? It would be helpful in order to be able to know what's going on.

wren commented 2 years ago

Closing due to lack of info. Please feel free to comment with more info if you'd like to continue the conversation.

xeruf commented 2 years ago

Neovim, vim-plug image I don't really use headlines, they do work though, as well as the automatic folding. But the timestamps aren't recognised.

xeruf commented 2 years ago

For comparison, this is how it looks when viewed with jrnl: image

This is my .config/jrnl/jrnl.yaml

  body: none
  date: green
  tags: yellow
  title: blue
default_hour: 0
default_minute: 0
editor: nvim +
encrypt: false
highlight: true
indent_character: '|'
linewrap: 99
tagsymbols: '@'
template: false
timeformat: '%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M'
version: v2.4.5