[x] Make it so that the simulator prints on stderr the execution time and the CO2 footprint with always 2 significant digits after the decimal point
[x] Change the colors in the "full" Montage SVG to match the colors shown in Tab 2 with the sliders
[x] Scale the svgs for the "split" Montage SVG so that they're not too big w.r.t the rest of the text on the page. Note that "scaling" svg is simply modifying by hand the width/height values in the .svg files (no need to use any tool)
[x] Try, if possible, in Tab 2 to have the task label closer to the slider, so that it's clear the slider applies to the tasks described in the task label. Henri tried putting the label and the slider in the same grid cell, which works, but the alignment with the rest of the svgs isn't great. Perhaps something can be done to make it look nice.
[x] Investigate how to have everything (figures) still look nice when resizing the window or modifying the font sizes. This could apply to the whole EduWRENCH site. This is possible in React, so should be possible here as well. Some information about svg scaling on StackOverflow