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Forcing and output in SLUCM: actual temperature or potential temperature #2093

Open xuelingbo opened 1 month ago

xuelingbo commented 1 month ago

In the forcing of subroutine urban, temperature TA is from T3D which is actual temperature: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3393 https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3499 After passing T3D to subroutine urban, Firstly, TS is calculated according to TA and sensible heat flux : https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1628 Then, TH2 is calculated according to TA and TS: https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1685 According to these codes, TA, TS, and TH2 should all be actual temperatures. But in the diagnostic 2m air temperature T2, TH2 is treated as 2m potential temperature: https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_surface_driver.F#L3392 This seems somewhat inconsistent Additionally, another inconsistent part is the comments for TA and TH2, both of which indicate they are potential temperatures. : https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L144 https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L195

In subroutine urban, TA is also used in the following codes, which I think actual temperature should be used: https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L886 https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1006 https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1079 https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1447 https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1601

xuelingbo commented 2 weeks ago

We did some simulations using HRLDAS, and compare the diagnostic T2 of methods used by WRF and method that TH2_URB2D is considered as air temperature: https://github.com/xuelingbo/LSP-DS/discussions/5.

cenlinhe commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like based on @xuelingbo 's tests, for low-altitude cities, the difference is very small, but for high-altitude urban regions, the difference is huge (up to ~4 degC). My understanding is that TH2 inside urban module code is the actual 2-m air temperature instead of potential temperature. @joshi994 @chenghaow @tslin2

tslin2 commented 2 weeks ago

I guess some of the equations in SLUCM are required to use air temperature, so they probably made the assumption that air temperature is similar to the potential temperature in SLUCM. I will do a test case in a city for this modification.

tslin2 commented 2 weeks ago

another question I had is https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1678

how about this line of the code, it was commented out, what is the difference between (CHS/CHS2) and (PSIT2/PSIT)

joshi994 commented 2 weeks ago

@cenlinhe @tslin2 @xuelingbo I agree with @tslin2 on the use of potential temperature. However, the diagnostic potential temperature (TH2) basically denoted the compression/expansion effects due to pressure change and within 2m height ground from the ground, pressure change is assumed to be having no effect. In addition, diagnostic potential temperature is a reference temperature.

@tslin2 There is a slight difference between PSIT and CHS variables if you go by their definition. PSIT I believe indicate the similarity function for the temperature whereas CHS denotes the exchange coefficient derived using those similarity functions. The exchange coefficient equation also include the urban roughness effects by including friction velocity in its definition hence, CHS appears to be a better option where both thermal and mechanical roughness impacts can be included while calculating the potential temperature. Let me know your views.

xuelingbo commented 2 weeks ago

@tslin2 @joshi994 I understand they probably made the assumption that air temperature is similar to the potential temperatur as 2m height is near the ground. But TA is actual temperature at 1st atmospheric layer (~30m), I am concerned if it's correct to use this assumption. I guess the assumption may have been used at the time to reduce the amount of calculations. So is it now possible to pass both the actual temperature(t_phy) and potential temperature(theta_urban) to the SLUCM, choose the appropriate one in the calculation and end up outputting a 2m actual temperature t2 that is consistent with t2mv, t2mb.

tslin2 commented 2 weeks ago

This is not directly relevant,

https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L428-L429 U10, V10 should be INTENT(INOUT) due to the use for Calculating Wind Direction and Assign Appropriae lf_urb


or use U1, V1 to calculate WDR

tslin2 commented 2 weeks ago

@xuelingbo @joshi994 thanks for your views.

@xuelingbo agree on your view to have a consistent method for Noah-MP and SLUCM, this can also be related to the potential comparison with the BEP method for T2 using potential temperature.

@joshi994 the comment https://github.com/DanLi-BU/WRF/issues/5#issue-1974926011 by @DanLi-BU somehow justify the use of CHS from the surface layer scheme that considers momentum and thermal roughness based on Noah-SLUCM.

In that sense, should Q2 be calculated from CHS2 and CHS?, https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1686

due to https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1628-L1629

DanLi-BU commented 2 weeks ago

I did look into this issue a few months ago while I was writing a paper. Although I was not using Noah-MP (I was using Noah), I did spend sometime thinking about the calculation of T2.


I'll start with Noah-SLUCM. In Noah-SLUCM, the TH2 computed by module_sf_urban.F is simply not used. One can verify this from the following code:


In other words, the T2 of urban grid cells is still computed by module_sf_sfcdiags.F. In this case, whether TH2 is an air temperature or potential temperature doesn't make a difference.


Noah-MP does things differently. As @xuelingbo showed, T2 is computed as some sort of area-average:


In this case, whether TH2 is an air temperature or potential temperature does make a difference. How TH2 is computed makes perhaps an even more important difference.

Q1: is TH2 an air temperature or potential temperature

Long story short, it is an air temperature. So the (1.E5/PSFC(i,j))**RCP) correction in the above code (line 3392) is incorrect.

More broadly, the use of air temeprature throughout module_sf_urban.F is concerning. For example, sensible heat flux is supposedly defined based on potential temperature, not air temeprature. Air and potential temperatures can be quite different at the 1st atmospheric model level, so @xuelingbo 's concern is well justified. In my opinion, we should use potential temperature for all the sensible heat flux calculations in module_sf_urban.F. Air temperature is still needed for diagnostic purposes and for computing saturated water vapor pressure. This will require some major changes in the module_sf_urban.F code. I'm not sure whether Noah/Noah-MP define sensible heat flux based on potential temperature or not.

Q2: how should T2 be diagnosed for a grid cell conceptualized as part of grass (handled by Noah or Noah-MP) and part of impervious land (handled by SLUCM)

This is a bigger issue and I thought about it a lot. The challenge is associated with conceptualizing the atmospheric surface layer between the land surface and the 1st atmospheric level. One can think of two scenarios/approaches: 1) turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer is so mixed that all patches see one turbulent transfer coefficient and one flux, and 2) turbulence is isolated that different patches see different turbulent transfer coefficients and different fluxes. Both are consistent with the assumption that the 1st atmospheric model level receives the total flux, but they have vastly different implications for the temperature profiles in the atmospheric surface layer and thus TSK/T2.

As far as I know, Noah-SLUCM uses the first approach. This is why TS and QS of the impervious patch are calculated using CHS which is a turbulent transfer coefficient computed outside of module_sf_urban.Fand used by the grass patch. More details can be found in https://github.com/DanLi-BU/WRF/issues/5#issue-1974926011. A side note: in this case, the CHS should be computed with roughness lengths representing the entire landscape (some combination of grass and impervious patch roughness lengths). However, in the current code it's computed using the roughness lengths of grass. This is why some people reported that urban roughness lengths are smaller than those of cropland (https://forum.mmm.ucar.edu/threads/why-roughness-znt-of-urban-is-lower-than-croplands-in-ucm.11006/). And this is technically a bug.

This also explains why T2/Q2 are computed by module_sf_sfcdiags.F using the average flux, and why TH2/Q2 computed in module_sf_urban.F are not used (since they are computed using impervious patch only fluxes, Q2 is even computed using impervious patch only turbulent transfer coefficient, the PSIT and PSIT2).

As far as I can see, Noah-MP-SLUCM diagnoses TSK in a similar way as Noah-SLUCM. In this case, Noah-MP-SLUCM has implicitly chosen the 1st approach. That being said, the area average of T2 is inconsistent with the spirit of the 1st approach.

If we were to implement the 2nd approach say in Noah-MP, we would have to diagnose TS and T2 using the respective fluxes and transfer coefficients. To do so, we need to replace CHS and CHS2 in the calculation of TS and T2 in module_sf_urban.F by the impervious land only transfer coefficients. In short, we diagnose TSK/T2 for each patch separately (using respective fluxes and transfer coefficients) and then area average them.

tslin2 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @DanLi-BU for comments, agree on the sensible heat of using potential temperature for SLCUM

xuelingbo commented 1 week ago

@DanLi-BU Thank you for your comments, I fully understand your discussion about how should we diagnostic T2 in Noah-MP-SLUCM. Just for reminder, in HRLDAS, CHS and CHS2 is calculated inside SLUCM because it's offline, so I think it's proper to diagnostic T2 in HRLDAS use three-tiles-average. @tslin2 https://github.com/NCAR/hrldas/blob/e6853efc84d884836122e42e02a9ea2e748ec75b/urban/wrf/module_sf_urban.F#L1537 https://github.com/NCAR/hrldas/blob/e6853efc84d884836122e42e02a9ea2e748ec75b/urban/wrf/module_sf_urban.F#L1561

chenghaow commented 1 week ago

another question I had is


how about this line of the code, it was commented out, what is the difference between (CHS/CHS2) and (PSIT2/PSIT)

A related issue is Q2. Regardless of whether CHS or PSIT should be used for Q2, the following statement:


should be written as

Q2 = QS + (QA-QS)*(PSIT/PSIT2)

so that it is consistent with the 2-m air temperature calculation:


chenghaow commented 1 week ago

As @xuelingbo and @cenlinhe noted, the difference in H can become much bigger with increasing elevation. But to my knowledge, many UCMs still use air temperature to calculate sensible heat flux.

I just did a quick search in Noah-MP. Interestingly, for sensible heat flux from the surface, it also uses surface temperature and air temperature (rather than potential temperature). See:

HeatSensibleBareGrd = ShCoeff * (TemperatureGrdBare - TemperatureAirRefHeight) Source: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/fa2d2098bac1e437a21ccc15494b152996d5bc84/src/SurfaceEnergyFluxBareGroundMod.F90#L153

TemperatureAir2mBare = TemperatureGrdBare - HeatSensibleBareGrd / & (DensityAirRefHeight*ConstHeatCapacAir) * 1.0 / ExchCoeffSh2mBare Source: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/fa2d2098bac1e437a21ccc15494b152996d5bc84/src/SurfaceEnergyFluxBareGroundMod.F90#L212-L213

TVIR = (1.0 + 0.61*SpecHumidityRefHeight) * TemperatureAirRefHeight Source: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/fa2d2098bac1e437a21ccc15494b152996d5bc84/src/ResistanceBareGroundMostMod.F90#L94

@cenlinhe Thoughts?

DanLi-BU commented 1 week ago

@xuelingbo I took a quick look at the modifications in HRLDAS. You are right that this seems consistent with the second approach I described (diagnosing T2/TS for each patch separately and then aggregate them). However, the counter-argument is if so, then why don't we diagnose T2/TS for roof and canyon separately? Remember, in the current SLUCM, the fluxes from roof and canyon are calculated separately. In other words, the roof and canyon are treated as different patches.

Another way of looking at this issue is to ask the question why is the calculation of CHS/CHS2 only dependent on Z0HC, or why is Z0HR playing no role in the calculation of CHS/CHS2? We are trying to diagnose a T2/TS for the entire impervious land which composes of a roof and a canyon, I can't think of a reason why Z0HC should be used to represent the heat transfer capability of the entire impervious land. Note here we are talking about heat transfer, not momentum transfer. Maybe the role of roof can be neglected for momentum transfer, but I'm not sure about heat transfer.

I don't have good answers to these questions though :)

DanLi-BU commented 1 week ago

another question I had is https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1678

how about this line of the code, it was commented out, what is the difference between (CHS/CHS2) and (PSIT2/PSIT)

A related issue is Q2. Regardless of whether CHS or PSIT should be used for Q2, the following statement:


should be written as

Q2 = QS + (QA-QS)*(PSIT/PSIT2)

so that it is consistent with the 2-m air temperature calculation:


@chenghaow I guess CHS/CHS2 are conductances, PSIT/PSIT2 are resistances.

joshi994 commented 1 week ago

In the forcing of subroutine urban, temperature TA is from T3D which is actual temperature: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3393 https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3499 After passing T3D to subroutine urban, Firstly, TS is calculated according to TA and sensible heat flux :


Then, TH2 is calculated according to TA and TS: https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1685

According to these codes, TA, TS, and TH2 should all be actual temperatures. But in the diagnostic 2m air temperature T2, TH2 is treated as 2m potential temperature: https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_surface_driver.F#L3392

This seems somewhat inconsistent Additionally, another inconsistent part is the comments for TA and TH2, both of which indicate they are potential temperatures. : https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L144


In subroutine urban, TA is also used in the following codes, which I think actual temperature should be used:






It appears that the only variable T3D is the actual temperature. TA is potential temperature. Rest of the variables such as TH2, TS, etc. calculated using TA are potential temperatures. T2 in surface_driver.F using TH2_URB2D is actual temperature. In the subsequent line/command (3393) TH2 is again converted to the potential temperature.

Let's go by the definition of different temperature measures, in order to calculate the virtual potential temperature (TAV), the potential temperature is used. Hence TA has to be the potential temperature not the actual temperature. For simulations over Riyadh, if you do not consider TH2_URB2D as potential temperature, I believe you are then looking at potential temperature instead of actual temperature (which is T2). Line/command 587 in module_sf_noaddrv.F mentioned TH2_URB2D as potential temperature. @xuelingbo how did you modified the TH2_URB2D to actual temperature?

Also, to calculate the Q2, I believe that @DanLi-BU explanation on using CHS from Noah for calculating the QS in SLUCM make sense as the pervious and impervious surfaces have their own contribution. Your views @cenlinhe, @tslin2

tslin2 commented 1 week ago

@xuelingbo I took a quick look at the modifications in HRLDAS. You are right that this seems consistent with the second approach I described (diagnosing T2/TS for each patch separately and then aggregate them). However, the counter-argument is if so, then why don't we diagnose T2/TS for roof and canyon separately? Remember, in the current SLUCM, the fluxes from roof and canyon are calculated separately. In other words, the roof and canyon are treated as different patches.

Another way of looking at this issue is to ask the question why is the calculation of CHS/CHS2 only dependent on Z0HC, or why is Z0HR playing no role in the calculation of CHS/CHS2? We are trying to diagnose a T2/TS for the entire impervious land which composes of a roof and a canyon, I can't think of a reason why Z0HC should be used to represent the heat transfer capability of the entire impervious land. Note here we are talking about heat transfer, not momentum transfer. Maybe the role of roof can be neglected for momentum transfer, but I'm not sure about heat transfer.

I don't have good answers to these questions though :)

related to this, https://github.com/NCAR/hrldas/discussions/79

I did test this by uncomment https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1689 It did change the T2 results if using radiative temperature for TS; resulted in a higher temperature for both TS and T2. This method is more similar to the Noah-MP and BEP/BEM methods for calculating the TSK using the Stefan-Boltzmann law, but not exactly the same.

NoahMP-SLUCM: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3519 https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3527

NoahMP-BEP/BEM: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3740-L3744

tslin2 commented 1 week ago

@joshi994 I agree with you that SLUCM needs to use potential temperature in module_sf_urban.F, but current TA in SLUCM is read from WRF 1st layer actual atmospheric temperature (T3D/T_PHY), not potential temperature. So the codes need to read the TH_PHY, which is the potential temperature in WRF. Just need to use actual temperature for some calculations in SLUCM, which can be converted based on potential temperature. The potential temperature was used in BEP/BEM for sensible heat flux calculation as well and converted to actual temperature for other purposes, such as calculating saturated water vapor pressure.

This involves another issue that @DanLi-BU and @chenghaow raised about the potential temperature in the Noah and Noah-MP. Previously, I did test it in a case using NoahMP-BEP by simply using the potential temperature to diagnose T2 for all grids, like BEP/BEM for T2 for urban grids in module_surface_driver.F, but this is an indirect way but not the best as Noah-MP used actual temperature, not potential temperature. I think using potential temperature is more suitable for urban models. https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_surface_driver.F#L3413

xuelingbo commented 1 week ago

@xuelingbo I took a quick look at the modifications in HRLDAS. You are right that this seems consistent with the second approach I described (diagnosing T2/TS for each patch separately and then aggregate them). However, the counter-argument is if so, then why don't we diagnose T2/TS for roof and canyon separately? Remember, in the current SLUCM, the fluxes from roof and canyon are calculated separately. In other words, the roof and canyon are treated as different patches. Another way of looking at this issue is to ask the question why is the calculation of CHS/CHS2 only dependent on Z0HC, or why is Z0HR playing no role in the calculation of CHS/CHS2? We are trying to diagnose a T2/TS for the entire impervious land which composes of a roof and a canyon, I can't think of a reason why Z0HC should be used to represent the heat transfer capability of the entire impervious land. Note here we are talking about heat transfer, not momentum transfer. Maybe the role of roof can be neglected for momentum transfer, but I'm not sure about heat transfer. I don't have good answers to these questions though :)

related to this, NCAR/hrldas#79

I did test this by uncomment


It did change the T2 results if using radiative temperature for TS; resulted in a higher temperature for both TS and T2. This method is more similar to the Noah-MP and BEP/BEM methods for calculating the TSK using the Stefan-Boltzmann law, but not exactly the same. NoahMP-SLUCM: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3519 https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3527

NoahMP-BEP/BEM: https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L3740-L3744

Actually, in my research (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2023JD040531), for the TSK issue, I uncomment this line https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1689, so the ouput TSK is radiative temeprature, but the calculation of TH2 is before this line, https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/phys/module_sf_urban.F#L1685, so the value of TH2_URB2D will not be affected.

joshi994 commented 1 week ago

@joshi994 I agree with you that SLUCM needs to use potential temperature in module_sf_urban.F, but current TA in SLUCM is read from WRF 1st layer actual atmospheric temperature (T3D/T_PHY), not potential temperature. So the codes need to read the TH_PHY, which is the potential temperature in WRF. Just need to use actual temperature for some calculations in SLUCM, which can be converted based on potential temperature. The potential temperature was used in BEP/BEM for sensible heat flux calculation as well and converted to actual temperature for other purposes, such as calculating saturated water vapor pressure.

This involves another issue that @DanLi-BU and @chenghaow raised about the potential temperature in the Noah and Noah-MP. Previously, I did test it in a case using NoahMP-BEP by simply using the potential temperature to diagnose T2 for all grids, like BEP/BEM for T2 for urban grids in module_surface_driver.F, but this is an indirect way but not the best as Noah-MP used actual temperature, not potential temperature. I think using potential temperature is more suitable for urban models.


I digged deep into the governing flux-form equation that WRF solver solves. It appears that the output temperature form the WRF model itself is potential temperature and not the actual temperature. In addition, the WRF output list indicate that T2 is actual temperature (converted using the Clausius-clapeyron equation) and TH2 is infact potential temperature. Please refer to pages 8-9 (specifically eqs. 2.7-2.14 and the text in between. WRF user guide.pdf 11 22 https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrf_users_guide/build/html/output.html#wrf-output-fields https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrf_users_guide/build/html/output_variables.html

As per the govenering equations T3D = T (perturbation potential temperature) + Reference potential temperature, whereas t_phy is converted to physical/actual temperature by thermodynamics relations. For instance, t_phy is supplied in module SLAB but it is converted to potential temperature within the module following the use of potential temperature. However, when T3D is supplied directly, it is actually the potential temperature. Hence, there's a difference between T3D and T_PHY and WEF solves for potential temperature and actual/physical temperature is obtained later. @cenlinhe @xuelingbo @DanLi-BU @chenghaow

tslin2 commented 1 week ago

@joshi994 , T from the wrfoutput file is perturbation potential temperature theta-t0 https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/0a11865f97680fdd6865b278ea29d910e5db3ed7/Registry/Registry.EM_COMMON#L209

but T3D is different from T, T3D in module_sf_noahmpdrv.F https://github.com/NCAR/noahmp/blob/848f54ad3d28c4303151fe5ad83724e232694422/drivers/wrf/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F#L23

is T_PHY in module_surface_driver.F


joshi994 commented 3 days ago

I also looked into the "module_pbl_driver.F" (https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/blob/master/phys/module_pbl_driver.F) where it says: CALL ysu( & U3D=u_phytmp,V3D=v_phytmp,T3D=t_phy

however, when I looked into the YSU PBL scheme (module_bl_ysu.F), I found the following: call ysu2d(J=j,ux=u3d(ims,kms,j),vx=v3d(ims,kms,j) & ,tx=t3d(ims,kms,j) and later thx(i,k) = tx(i,k)/pi2d(i,k) where pi2d is the Exner function which is basically the ration of (P2/P1)^(R/C_p). It suggests that the ysu pbl scheme is treating t3d as a potential temperature rather than the actual temperature. Following the comments from @tslin2 if t3d/t_phy are the same and denote actual temperature then the temperature used in PBL schemes needs to be looked at again.