wright-group / WrightTools

Tools for loading, processing, and plotting multidimensional spectroscopy data.
MIT License
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Annoyance: WrightTools reload printout #277

Closed darienmorrow closed 7 years ago

darienmorrow commented 7 years ago

If I have a script that imports WrightTools, every time I run the script the following paragraph gets printed to my console:

Reloaded modules: WrightTools.data._colors, WrightTools.artists, WrightTools.tuning.workup, WrightTools.diagrams.delay, WrightTools.data._ocean_optics, WrightTools.data._join, WrightTools.data._spcm, WrightTools.data, WrightTools.units, WrightTools.tuning.coset, WrightTools.data._pycmds, WrightTools.diagrams.WMEL, WrightTools.tuning.TOPAS_C, WrightTools.data._jasco, WrightTools.diagrams, WrightTools.fit, WrightTools.tuning.curve, WrightTools.collection._collection, WrightTools.data._data, WrightTools.data._tensor27, WrightTools.data._shimadzu, WrightTools.calibration, WrightTools.data._kent, WrightTools.google_drive, WrightTools.kit, WrightTools.data._cary, WrightTools.collection, WrightTools, WrightTools.data._brunold, WrightTools.tuning.spectral_delay_correction, WrightTools.tuning, WrightTools.exceptions

With the recent breaking up of data into separate modules, this printout has gotten larger.

Is there a way to suppress this printout? This isn't a functionality issue, but rather an aesthetic issue.

I think I have raised this grievance with @untzag before in person. But I would like to raise it again given that we are trying to make this a package that others will use.

untzag commented 7 years ago

this behavior is unique to spyder

spyder calls it the user module reloader (UMR)

WrightTools has no control over this behavior

within Spyder settings (Tools > Preferences > Python interpreter) you can disable the reloaded modules list

I believe that Spyder does not reload site-packages modules (Windows only?), so this is only a problem for those who are in develop mode

@darienmorrow please close this issue if and when you are satisfied