wrightedu / CSE-Discord-Bot

Discord bot for the WSU CSE Discord server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NLTK Research #125

Open mbozada opened 2 years ago

mbozada commented 2 years ago

Look into NLTK for question and answer processing.

Feel free to look into other NLP libraries.

mkijowski commented 2 years ago

Prasad, Raymer, Cogen, Gallagher

Ask about FAQ bot, trivial / non-learning approach?

Stemming and similarity?

Tagging and information ordering? User defined tags or all created by "the machine"

L30N1DAS commented 2 years ago

next steps: Use a csv to map questions and responses one to one Questions can start as a simple ?1, ?2, etc. that must be entered exactly and be made more suitable later using NLTK (catch misspellings and extract keywords) Use pandas to map a question to an answer (use row extraction to find the appropriate one)

ReginPotter commented 2 years ago

There is a bug where if you call faq in one text channel and another channel has the same name on a different server it will now be tracked. Possibly use the Guild ID to specify?

Also there should be a command to state what channels are being tracked.