wrightkhlebisol / Result-Note-API

Endpoint for Result Note
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #4

Open renovate[bot] opened 7 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 7 months ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

requirements.txt - `aiohttp ==3.8.4` - `aiosignal ==1.3.1` - `alembic ==1.10.4` - `appdirs ==1.4.4` - `asgiref ==3.6.0` - `async-timeout ==4.0.2` - `attrs ==23.1.0` - `black ==23.3.0` - `blinker ==1.6.2` - `certifi ==2022.12.7` - `chardet ==5.1.0` - `charset-normalizer ==3.1.0` - `click ==8.1.3` - `coverage ==7.2.3` - `Deprecated ==1.2.13` - `flake8 ==6.0.0` - `Flask ==2.3.1` - `Flask-Cors ==3.0.10` - `Flask-JWT-Extended ==4.4.4` - `Flask-Limiter ==3.3.0` - `flask-marshmallow ==0.15.0` - `Flask-Migrate ==4.0.4` - `Flask-SQLAlchemy ==3.0.3` - `frozenlist ==1.3.3` - `greenlet ==2.0.2` - `idna ==3.4` - `importlib-resources ==5.12.0` - `itsdangerous ==2.1.2` - `Jinja2 ==3.1.2` - `limits ==3.4.0` - `Mako ==1.2.4` - `markdown-it-py ==2.2.0` - `MarkupSafe ==2.1.2` - `marshmallow ==3.19.0` - `marshmallow-sqlalchemy ==0.29.0` - `mccabe ==0.7.0` - `mdurl ==0.1.2` - `migrate ==0.3.8` - `multidict ==6.0.4` - `mypy-extensions ==1.0.0` - `ordered-set ==4.1.0` - `packaging ==23.1` - `pathspec ==0.11.1` - `pip-review ==1.3.0` - `platformdirs ==3.4.0` - `pycodestyle ==2.10.0` - `pyflakes ==3.0.1` - `Pygments ==2.15.1` - `PyJWT ==2.6.0` - `python-dateutil ==2.8.2` - `python-dotenv ==1.0.0` - `python-editor ==1.0.4` - `redis ==4.5.4` - `regex ==2023.3.23` - `rich ==13.3.4` - `rq ==1.13.0` - `six ==1.16.0` - `SQLAlchemy ==2.0.10` - `toml ==0.10.2` - `tomli ==2.0.1` - `typing_extensions ==4.5.0` - `urllib3 ==2.0.0` - `Werkzeug ==2.3.0` - `wrapt ==1.15.0` - `yarl ==1.9.2`

wrightkhlebisol commented 7 months ago

Packages updated