wrightling / scripture_lookup

Ruby gem that provides a clean interface to scripture providers (Crossways ESV, Bible Gateway).
MIT License
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Metainspector-related error with the CLI under jruby-1.7.5 #3

Closed wrightling closed 10 years ago

wrightling commented 10 years ago

I will look into this soon, but anyone else is welcome to investigate. Under jruby-1.7.5, after running gem install scripture_lookup, the CLI errors with the following input (probably all input):

scripture "Rom 12:1-2", NIV

The following stack trace is shown in the CL:

    ScriptureLookup::Error: undefined method `document' for #<MetaInspector::Parser:0x309813ea>
  lookup at /Users/warrenwright/.rbenv/versions/jruby-1.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/scripture_lookup-0.0.2/lib/scripture_lookup/bible_gateway_scraper.rb:27
  (root) at /Users/warrenwright/.rbenv/versions/jruby-1.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/scripture_lookup-0.0.2/bin/scripture:10
    load at org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1101
  (root) at /Users/warrenwright/.rbenv/versions/jruby-1.7.5/bin/scripture:23
wrightling commented 10 years ago

This is related to #2 - in both cases metainspector 1.17.0 seems to be the culprit. I'll need to figure out what changed in metainspector or implement pessimistic versioning (always a good move) to limit us to an older version, such as 1.15.1.

wrightling commented 10 years ago

As described in issue #2, this was fixed with pessimistic version constraints to make sure the latest metainspector versions weren't pulled in.