I have created a session ID by using
curl -vvv http://callisto.local/session -d '{"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome"}}'
and now I have got a session ID which launch a browser in a pod.
How can I send requests to the browser in created pod?
For example, I want to send visit google.com commands to the browser, How Can I do it?
I know that following the below method I can control the browser, but this method will create a new session, I want to use the available session to control the browser, How can I do that?
hi, @srntqn
I have created a session ID by using
curl -vvv http://callisto.local/session -d '{"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome"}}' and now I have got a session ID which launch a browser in a pod.
How can I send requests to the browser in created pod?
For example, I want to send visit google.com commands to the browser, How Can I do it? I know that following the below method I can control the browser, but this method will create a new session, I want to use the available session to control the browser, How can I do that?