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Fading user interface is fading all panels except one #199

Open diegopau opened 6 years ago

diegopau commented 6 years ago

When the panels fade away, the panel with the file list doesn't fade. I am using a preview build of Windows (Windows Insider build) and that might break apps so I might not be the best bug reporter, but I wanted to let you know in case other users are seeing the same.

Video showing the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jslcfso5wm07mzc/Desktop%202018-06-01%2018.46.23.mp4?dl=0

settings 2018-06-01 18 51 59

writemonkey commented 6 years ago

I did a quick tests on osx and it works fine, can't test on win right now. It seems you changed default settings for this in settings file. Could you paste this part from your file here? i.

     // Distraction free fading - fade / hide ui elements (panes, info bar)
"ui_autofade_amount_panes": 0, // 0 i= completely transparent, 1 = opaque
"ui_autofade_amount_infobar": 0, // 0 i= completely transparent, 1 = opaque
"ui_autofadein_delay": 3500, // milliseconds to wait before fade in when inactive
"ui_autofadeout_actions_before_trigger": 25, // number of letter key strokes before fade out
"ui_autofadeout_animation_time": 1000, // duration of fade out animation
"ui_autofadein_animation_time": 500, // duration of fade in animation
diegopau commented 6 years ago

Here it is:

    // Distraction free fading - fade / hide ui elements (panes, info bar)
"ui_autofade_amount_panes": 0.2, // 0 i= completely transparent, 1 = opaque
"ui_autofade_amount_infobar": 0.2, // 0 i= completely transparent, 1 = opaque
"ui_autofadein_delay": 3500, // milliseconds to wait before fade in when inactive
"ui_autofadeout_actions_before_trigger": 25, // number of letter key strokes before fade out
"ui_autofadeout_animation_time": 1000, // duration of fade out animation
"ui_autofadein_animation_time": 500, // duration of fade in animation

I tried changing values to "0" instead of "0.2" and the problem is the same for me.

On the settings_main_user.json I only have this:

// copy all your settings changes here

"collapsed_region_placeholder_length": 10 // number of characters

I also tried switching to a default theme, because I was using a custom one. I don't think I have anything else customized.

The last thing I tried is downloading the beta 6 again, unzip it in a different folder and open it from there (so it is still using the database, but the config is the default one). It might be just this windows version...

Attempt to show something more that can be useful to find the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4k2yjisie4p5jk/Desktop%202018-06-01%2020.35.21.mp4?dl=0