writemonkey / wm3

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Suggestion: Implement YAML front matter #314

Open jmcd040 opened 5 years ago

jmcd040 commented 5 years ago

I would prefer to not have the name and tags information at the top of my document print out in other md editors. For example I use Typora to print since WM3 still strips out color highlighting so it would improve my work flow if WM3 implemented this meta data as YAML front matter so it wouldn't appear when I use Typora. Would that be possible soon?

crystalfp commented 4 years ago

Similarly I have YAML metadata block at the beginning of every markdown file so pandoc could generate correct title/author/etc. for the converted file. Normally they start with --- at the very beginning of the file and end with --- or ...

The — relatively minor — problem is that WM3 convert the first mark into a horizontal rule and the last line to header if the block ends with three dashes.

Is it possible to make WM3 deals with the YAML block as a preformatted (code) block?

thanks! mario

writemonkey commented 2 years ago

Already implemented for the next release! i.