writemonkey / wm3

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Fails to start when data_directory is set to iCloud Drive location #323

Closed lyob closed 4 years ago

lyob commented 4 years ago

Hi! I've been enjoying WM3 on Windows so far, and wanted to sync my files across to my Mac. I have iCloud Drive on both computers so I created a folder in it called writemonkey where I directed the _datadirectory variable. It's currently got my _writemonkey3sheets, _writemonkey3_sheetshistory, _writemonkey3_sheetsprojects, and _writemonkey3_sheetsrepository files and it all works.

However, when I point the data_directory location on my Mac to that iCloud directory (/Users/[user]/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/writemonkey/), the app fails to start and I need to force quit for it to close. The app icon is visible on the dock but there's no window. I've verified that the app loads a new version of wm3 successfully if I leave the _datadirectory variable blank. Thanks!

lyob commented 4 years ago

I actually resolved this -- the data_directory path needs to be set to /Users/[user]/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/writemonkey/ (i.e. without the backslash between Mobile and Documents) and it works fine. I also tested Google Drive and that also works.