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Documents within folders not saving order #334

Closed ChroniclerEnigma closed 4 years ago

ChroniclerEnigma commented 4 years ago

when deciding which chapters come before or after another, order is unsaved. Drag and drop does not save when I leave the folder to go to another, or when I leave the program for a moment; I return to see them in the previous disorganized order they were before. Saving does not work. I’ve labeled 1 2 and 3 via the headings and the field name value suggestion, but it will continue to place chapter 2 after 3 and 5 after 6. Is there anyone else encountering this Issue? is there any fix? my operating system is windows 10. This version I have not yet paid for the plugins, but I plan to. I have paid previously for writemonkey 1 plugins, and I quite enjoyed them.

writemonkey commented 4 years ago
