writemonkey / wm3

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Dicatation in Insert window - Chrome complication? #340

Open sqril opened 4 years ago

sqril commented 4 years ago

I just realized that there was a Writemonkey 3 and installed it today.

Yesterday, I had gotten speech recognition set up on my computer and it worked a treat with WM2.7(?).

But now with WM3 when I use speech recognition (Windows Speech Recognition in Windows 7 - not Dragon :( ) my text pops up in a little window in the upper right and I have to "Insert" it to get it into the document and then can only add to the text that has been inserted, cannot edit it.

Am I missing something? I saw that someone using Dragon seems to be fairly successful in using dictation.

Now that I'm trying to use speech recognition to enter this into Github comment on a Chrome browser I see that it might be a browser issue and I believe the new WM is written in some sort of chrome browser format. Correct?

I wonder if this is a Chrome setting that I can change?

I really want this to work - any suggestions?

writemonkey commented 4 years ago

Yes, wm is based on chromium. Dictation works well on OSX (OS built in solution), not sure for Windows though (haven't tested that yet). i.

sqril commented 4 years ago

So I've tested a bunch of speech-to-text options out and I've come to the conclusion that is still fairly rough, especially in cross-platform stuff. The only thing that seems to work at the moment is if I use the default Microsoft speech-to-text service, allow the text to come up in a bubble, hit enter, and then go back and edit via typing.

I'm using the Voicein extension in my Chrome browser to enter this and then I edit manually and it works. But then I tested it in the WorkFlowy Chrome app and it doesn't seem to work. There is no place to activate it.

I believe that Writemonkey is a Chromium-based program, not a Chrome app. Is that correct?

My goal with this is to use Writemonkey for a personal journal, not particularly for writing a book or anything and I wanted to use speech-to-text because I have found that it's easier for me to think my thoughts and then go back and edit them. I have a hard time getting things out of my mind in an organized fashion.

It would be really great to have a seamless speech to text functionality via an extension or program in Writemonkey. For those of us who aren't using OSX :)

sqril commented 4 years ago

And I dug around but am not a programmer - I think this is describing something similar...


Over and out - I'm just gonna go type :)